The War Begins

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Nana's POV

I woke up due to the sound of my alarm and immediately began to groan.

I had barely gotten enough sleep since last night me and the other pro heroes had a meeting and discussed what to do with new Intel on the League Of Villains we received.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and texted Y/N to meet me here at my home.

I was very eager to tell him about the new intel we received and what we were going to do about it.

Honestly, the real reason why I wanted Y/N here was because every second I was away from him I missed him.

After we confessed our feelings for each other we grew extremely close and deep down inside of me, I was afraid to lose that.

About an hour had passed and
Y/N had arrived on my doorstep dressed in casual attire.

Nana : Y/N, you came.

Y/N : Hey Nana , how have you been doing.

I took notice of Y/N blushing the more he looked at me which in turn flustered me as I realized that all I was wearing was a black crop top with black leggings.

Nana : I'm sorry, I didn't realize what I was wearing, please come on in.

Y/N stepped inside and took a seat on the couch as I sat beside him.

Y/N : I know it's strange, but I feel comfortable here, like when I'm with you I always feel at home.

I smiled at Y/N knowing that I felt the same way.

Nana : I'm glad you feel that way.

Y/N : Oh by the way, is there something you want to tell me.

Nana : There actually is, you see last night me and the other pro's had a meeting together.

Y/N : Oh really, does that happen often.

Nana : No not unless it's for emergencies.

Y/N : Then I'm guessing what you're about to tell me must be serious.

I nodded before replying.

Nana : Thanks to the intel we received from the police force's investigation on the Nomu from USJ and Kurogiri, we managed to find the location of All For One's scientist named Kyudai Garaki.

Y/N's eyes widened with surprise.

Nana : So me and dozens of other pro heroes will be making our move first thing tomorrow.

Y/N nodded before asking a question.

Y/N : But why would so many pro's be needed just to subdue one man.

Nana : If he really is All For One's scientist, he probably has his Nomu's on standby and also, according to the intel we received, Tomura Shigaraki will be there as well along with the rest of the League Of Villain's.

Tomura Shigaraki, I hated saying that name.

Y/N immediately noticed my despair right after mentioning his name.

Y/N : Don't worry Nana, one day I'll save him, I promise.

What Y/N said to me warmed my heart as I smiled at him.

Nana : Thank you so much.

Y/N wrapped his arms around me as he hugged me.

Y/N : There's no need to say thank you.

I hugged Y/N back as we both lay on the couch.

Y/N : Even if you're gone for just one day, I'll miss you.

I looked at Y/N as I placed a kiss on the bridge of his nose making the both of us heat up.

Nana : I'll miss you too Y/N L/N.

After some time, the next day had arrived and me and the other pro's were at Jaku hospital, ready to arrest Garaki.

The other pro heroes like Aizawa wouldn't be able to make it since he had just fully recovered from the USJ attack so he continued to stay over at UA.

I looked over to Endeavor as we entered the hospital.

Nana : You know you should try to look less intimidating.

Endeavor glared at me before sighing and giving me his response.

Endeavor: These past few days I've been trying to walk down a new path and right the wrongs I made in the past so don't test my patience today, Mighty Heroine.

I rolled my eyes at Endeavor's statement as me and the other pro heroes arrived in the room Garaki was inside.

Nana : Kyudai Garaki!! We're taking you and the League Of Villain's into custody!!

Endeavor rushed over to Garaki and pinned him against the wall.


Garaki chuckled before a Nomu came from underground and punched Endeavor, causing him to collide into me.

As I got up I began to notice more and more Nomu's appear.

Garaki : So you so called heroes fell for my trap, there are no League Of Villains here, but they will be at UA.

My eyes widened with shock as I suddenly realized that UA was left scarcely protected since most heroes were here at Jaku hospital.

Garaki : And now my Nomu's will keep you heroes busy as The League Of Villain's destroy your precious students.

I glared at Garaki with disgust in my eyes but as I charged towards him a Nomu landed a powerful punch to my jaw.

Garaki : And so begins the war.

I got up on my feet as I stared at the Nomu's ahead of me and the other heroes.

This was not going to be easy, I just hope Y/N will be alright.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now