Symbol Of Fear

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Nana's POV

Today is the day my feud with All For One ends, today victory will belong to the heroes.

This is what I kept telling myself as I walked into the battlefield during a battle between Endeavor, Mirko, Gran Torino and All For One.

Honestly, it pained me to see that even Sorahiko is sacrificing his health to join in this final fight.

Once the pro heroes noticed me, confused facial expressions appeared on their faces.

Endeavor : WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!! You're a retired pro, you shouldn't be here, especially since you no longer possess One For All.

After Endeavor's statement, All For One smirked menacingly before I could respond.

Nana : Don't worry, Eri used her rewind quirk on me to rewind my body back to a time when I still had One For All.

The only downside to this was that it was only temporary, but I couldn't tell the pro's this now or else All For One would hear about it and use that against me.

AFO : This will be interesting, The Symbol Of Peace and pathetic pro heroes facing off against me, the symbol of fear.

I glared at All For One right before I landed a powerful jab onto his body which sent him flying back.

AFO : Your strong, but will your strength be enough to defeat me.

He then used one of his quirks to send multiple lightning attacks in  mine and the other pro's direction.

Fortunately, we all manged to evade this but it wasn't long before All For One used another one of his quirks to land a powerful punch on my jaw.

I reacted swiftly, grabbed his arm  and thrust him into the ground forcefully creating a giant crater.

Nana : Give it up All For One, your reign of evil ends today.

All For One chuckled as he got back up on his feet.

AFO : You know as revenge for making this fight  harder then it needs to be, I plan on killing you just like I killed your dear brother Kotaro Shimura.

What All For One said shook me to my core as I felt anger boil up inside of me.

Gran Torino: He's trying to make you lose your cool!! FOCUS NANA!!

Sorahiko was right but not getting angry was easier said than done.

AFO : Then after I kill you I'm going to go after your beloved successor and your adopted daughter Eri.

Nana : Your pure evil All For One.

AFO : Now's not the time to be complementing me.

With the speed of One For All I raced towards All For One and landed two mighty jabs to his stomach before landing an uppercut that broke the ground beneath us and sent him skyrocketing into the air.

Endeavor used this to his advantage and managed to get himself into the air before using Flashfire Fist to burn up the symbol of fear.

To my dismay, once the dust cleared, All For One stood unphased and sent multiple rivets across the battlefield that injured Mirko and Sorahiko.


Before I could fly over to the two injured heroes, All For One caught me off guard and landed a lightning blast so powerful it sent me flying backwards painfully.

He didn't give me time to recover and began sending countless more powerful attacks on my body that injured me severely.

AFO : What's wrong Nana, why the long face.

Just as All For One finished his sentence, Endeavor tried using one of his fire attacks on him but he dodged the attempt and used one of his quirks to rip off his arm.

The sound of Endeavor's scream rang across the area as the enemy at hand laughed uncontrollably.

Was this the future that Nighteye spoke about?

AFO : You know Mighty Heroine, you look just like Kotaro in his dying moments.

I grunted at All For One's statement as I slowly got back up on my feet painfully.

Nana : Bring it on Symbol Of Fear.

Even though I could feel One For All fading from me ,due to the effect of Eri's quirk being temporary, I still had to continue on fighting.

All For One scowled at this and sent a massive energy blast in my direction.

However something or someone jumped right in front of me and shielded me from the attack.

Once the dust cleared I realized that all of Class 1A and B stood beside me whilst Y/N was in front
of me.

Wow, they're all here, it's amazing that all of them will be able to put their lives on the line to win in this Final War.

Just before I could thank them,
Y/N who seemed unscathed from the blast looked back at me and smiled.

Y/N : Fear not, hope has arrived.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now