Entrance Exams

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I couldn't believe it, I was now the 8th user of One For All, I finally have a quirk!

Y/N : Thank you so much!

Nana : Y/N, you deserve it

Now I can officially begin my journey of becoming a pro hero.

Nana : Oh and Y/N, isn't your UA entrance Exams today.

My eyes widened with shock at the sudden realization.

Y/N : Damn, I completely forgot, I guess I have to get going.

Nana : I can't be with you at the Entrance Exams but I wish you the best.

Y/N : Thank yo--

My sentence was cut off by Nana immediately hugging me with her arms wrapped around my body.

Nana : I believe in you Y/N

I began blushing like never before, Nana actually hugged me!

Nana soon noticed my face being as red as a tomato causing her to laugh.

Y/N : I should get going now

Nana nodded before responding

Nana : Do your best

I smiled before sprinting off into the direction of the site of the Entrance Exams.

I believe in you

Nana's words kept on replaying in my head. I believe in you, I hadn't heard those words in a long time.

When I arrived at the exam site, I saw a ton of children my age or older and they all seemed to have impressive quirks.

A few minutes later our Examiner Present Mic arrived and explained the exam to us.

We basically had to save a manakin that is guarded by building sized robots and escape with the Manakin back to Present Mic.

Present Mic : You may begin in 3...2....1 GOO!!

We all immediately scattered around the area looking for a manakin to save.

After a few minutes of searching I noticed a manakin trapped within a 6 story building on the second floor.

I immediately sprinted forwards and rushed into the building.

As I tried to reach for the Manakin I felt a huge jerk to my body, realizing that the Robot guarding this place just backhanded me to the side, causing me to tumble away from the Manakin.

Damnit, this was proving to be harder than I expected.

I didn't want to use One For All just yet since I wasn't sure if my body could handle it completely but I knew if I didn't I would fail the UA entrance exam.

I immediately felt the power of One For All course through my veins as I leaped forward, grabbing the Manakin and holding it close to my body.

I then flicked my index finger with the power of One For All causing the air pressure to launch me forward and Infront of the Robot as I expected.

As I held the Manakin tightly I used the power of One For All to smash the Robot's body with my right arm.

When I landed, I noticed the body parts I used with One For All were bruised and damaged.

After that I was able to make it to Present Mic and pass the entrance exam.

I actually did it

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now