Y/N vs Shigaraki

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I blocked one of Shigaraki's powerful punches before kicking his body which sent him back.

Shigaraki: So you're as strong as they say you are Y/N, then once I steal One For All from you I'll be even stronger!

The thought of Shigaraki having One For All was terrifying and I wouldn't let that happen under any circumstance.

I sprinted towards Shigaraki and tried jabbing him in the face but he blocked the attack and landed a punch on my jaw.

I backflipped backwards which prevented myself from falling right before I sent numerous air pressure attacks in Shigaraki's direction, all of which he managed to dodge.

Shigaraki: Do you really think that air pressure attacks are gonna beat me!

Shigaraki lunged forwards and tried placing his hand on my face in an attempt to steal One For All.

Luckily I was fast enough to grab his arm and slam him into the ground repeatedly before I landed a powerful kick on his face.

Surprisingly, Shigaraki stood up without a scratch on his body unphased by my attacks.

Shigaraki: This is getting boring don't you think, why don't we end this quickly.

Damnit, was this due to another mutation of his.

Shigaraki charged forwards at great speed and landed repeated blows on my body right before I countered one of his attacks with an uppercut.

He then grabbed me by the throat and tried sending me into Aizawa, but I used an air pressure attack to stop that from happening.

If I was going to stop him then I couldn't hold back.

I felt the power of One For All course through my veins as my hair lit up in a (f/c) glow.

One For All at 100%.

I dodged one of Shigaraki's right hooks before landing a powerful blow on his stomach which seems to injure him.

I then backflipped right infront of him, causing both my legs to connect with his jaw and send him flying into the air.

I took off of the ground, grabbed a hold of Shigaraki and thrust him from the air and back into the ground.

I didn't let him recover and immediately pinned him to the floor and began landing powerful repeated jabs on his body which shattered the ground beneath us.

Unexpectedly, Shigaraki manged to grab both my hands and send me staggering back in pain with a powerful headbutt.

Shigaraki: So you're finally using 100% of your power, then I should do the same.

Shigaraki sprinted towards Aizawa who was across the battlefield, using his erasure quirk to stop Shigaraki from using his decay.

I tried running after him but he was too fast.

No, No , No, this can't be happening.

With a menacing smirk on his face Shigaraki tried crushing Aizawa's face but I managed to grab his leg and send him back.

It was too late as Shigaraki had already managed to rip out Aizawa's right eye and some of the flesh on his face causing him to scream in pain.


I looked over to Shigaraki who was laughing and having the time of his life which made me lose my cool.


Shigaraki: I guess I can do this now.

Shigaraki placed his hand on the ground beneath us, causing it to crumble and shatter.

Fortunately, I grabbed a hold of Aizawa and took off into the air with him, preventing us from getting caught up in Shigaraki's decay.

Once we landed, I placed Aizawa gently onto the ground as I looked at the enemy dead in the eyes.


I took off and into the sky as I tried attacking Shigaraki from the air but immediately after, I felt a jolt of shock pulsate through my body.

What, first I got this feeling before the villain's arrived and now I'm getting it at moment, what was going on with One For All.

Right at that moment, what seemed to be numerous (f/c) rivets and blades sprouted from my hand and body which kept me fixed in the air.

I began screaming in agony as more of the blades and rivets sprouted mostly out of my hand uncontrollably.

Stop, damnit stop.

Shigaraki smirked at the sight of this which aggrevated me even more which in turn seemed to worsen the amount of blades coming from me.

Bingo, that's it.

My anger was probably the cause of this being uncontrollable.

I breathed in and out before the rivets and blades returned within me.

I would direct my anger towards Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: What's this, a new quirk.

My eyes widened with shock at the sudden realization of this new ability.

During our time on Nabu Island, Nana mentioned that One For All was manifesting within me and merging the quirks of all it users.

She also told me that because of this I would be getting more quirks soon, this must be one of them.

I focused on picturing the rivets and blades as a whip like tool, since I needed something like that in this fight to prevent Shigaraki from using his decay.

Once I opened my eyes I realized a (f/c) whip of energy formed from my hand.

Shigaraki: I guess I'll have to kill you before you get the chance to use that new quirk of yours.

Shigaraki motioned to touch the ground with his hands but I used the (f/c) whip to subdue his body completely in a tight grip, tight enough to shatter his bones.

Y/N : Give it up Shigaraki, I've got you subdued, it's over.

Shigaraki chuckled at my statement.

Shigaraki: Is it really, because he is here.

I began to notice a jet hover over UA before it released a giant human-like creature onto the battlefield.

What the hell was going on right now.


The giant human-like creature raced towards me, crushing the battlefield beneath it's feet.

Whatever this Gigantomachia was, I would crush both it and Shigaraki.

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