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Relief washed over me as I no longer had to worry about failing the UA entrance exam since I had already passed, much to my surprise.

After the entrance exam had ended I couldn't wait to tell my parents the news of my passing.

I arrived home and explained to my parents how I passed the entrance exam.

Although this was good news, all they could think about was how I suddenly awakened my quirk which I lied about.

I felt as though I could never tell them about me inheriting One For All without them over exaggerating and freaking out.

Later that day, I tried contacting Nana to inform her that I passed but she was way too busy with her job of being Japan's No.1 hero.

A week later I officially enrolled in UA and found out that my class would be class 1A.

UA was a completely new environment for me, so it took me some time to find my way to class but once I did , I along with the rest of the students introduced ourselves to one another.

There was one problem though, Bakugo, one of my childhood bullies I used to fight against was in the same class as me which I found to be extremely awkward.

An hour had passed and we did training that would help us and our home room teacher Shota Aizawa understand our quirks.

A few moments had passed and it was finally lunch time. Don't get me wrong, so far I was loving UA but I couldn't help but miss Nana.

I hoped we would get a chance to see each other again sooner than expected.

Everything was going well, I was minding my own business and trying to eat my lunch until Bakugo approached me.

Bakugo : Hey you damn nerd!! How the hell did you of all people get into UA!!

I felt immense dread and was extremely irritated by Bakugo's presence.

Y/N : First of all, I'm not a damn nerd and second of all I got into UA just like any other student would which is by passing the entrance exam, common sense if you ask me.

Bakugo : Watch the way you talk to me you idiot!! And last time I checked you were quirkless so how did you manage to pass the exams.

At this rate, I would end up losing my cool so I began to walk away which offended Bakugo.

Bakugo : Damn nerd!! I'm not done talking to you!! Get back here!!

Y/N : Just leave me alone Bakugo.

Bakugo ran up to me and used his explosion quirk on my body, blasting me backwards and causing a scene

Y/N : For the last time just leave me alone!!!

Bakugo : No way in hell damn nerd!!

Y/N : I'm not a damn nerd!!

Once again, Bakugo tried to use his explosion quirk on me but this time I deflected it into the ceiling using the power of One For All which at the moment coursed through my arm which caused an even bigger scene.

??? : Alright that's enough!!!

I suddenly felt the power of One For All disappear from my body as I turned to see, none other than Shota Aizawa, our home room teacher A.K.A Eraser Head.

Aizawa: Both of you, principles office now!!

I sighed realizing that I had just been sent to the principal's office on my first day of joining UA.

When we arrived, principal Nezu lectured us on how to behave and act and luckily didn't suspend us.

After the school day had passed, I began walking down an empty street as the sun set until none other than Nana landed a few feet Infront of me.

Y/N : Nana!! I'm so glad to see you.

Nana : You too Y/N, and congrats on passing the entrance exam and joining UA, you made me proud.

Nana than wrapped her arms around mine, lifted me high and embraced me in a bear hug.

Not gonna lie, I loved the warm embrace of her body and it was truly so great to see her again.

Nana put me down before responding.

Nana : Oh and I almost forgot, I have another set of good news that I'm excited about.

Y/N : Oh really, what is it

Nana : I'll be joining UA's teaching staff from tomorrow.

My eyes widened after she had said this. What a pleasant surprise.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now