Hero Killer Aftermath

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Nana's POV

I looked over to Endeavor and watched him burn the last Nomu standing.

Endeavor: I'm pretty sure that's about all of them.

I nodded before thinking to myself.

There was something different about the army of Nomu's that me and Endeavor fought against.

They were significantly more weaker than the Nomu at the USJ, but right now I had something else to take care of.

Nana : Endeavor, we need to find Shoto

Endeavor: Of course we do, follow me, I know the direction he took off to.

I really hope that Y/N was okay.


After me, Iida, Shoto and Gran Torino managed to tie up an unconscious Stain someone else arrived.

I turned to see Nana and Endeavor much to my surprise.

Nana : Are you guys okay.

I nodded before explaining the entire situation to them.

It wasn't long before the cops arrived.

Gran Torino had to take all the credit for taking down Stain to prevent me, Iida and Shoto from getting into trouble for fighting a villain without a provisional hero's license.

That day I headed home and not surprisingly, my parents were at work again leaving the whole house to me.

The ride from Kyushu City back to home was a long one so I planned on sleeping straight away but then I heard a knock on the door.

Much to my surprise it was Nana standing at my doorstep still in her hero costume.

Nana : Hey Y/N, there's something I want to show you.

Y/N : Oh really, what is it.

Nana then gestured for me to hop on her back which I did right before she took off into the air and eventually landed on a skyscraper.

It took me a while to adjust to how high we were standing.

Nana : A bird's eye view of the city, it's beautiful isn't it.

I looked down the skyscraper and immediately noticed the beautiful site below me.

Y/N : Yeah, it really is, thanks for showing me this.

Nana : Y/N, these are the people you and I strive to protect, you can't save everyone but that's even more of a reason to try.

I found what Nana had said to be great advice.

Nana : Today earlier on in Kyushu, Shoto stormed off saying that you needed his help.

Y/N : Yeah, I sent him an emergency request cause I knew he would be in Kyushu for an internship and I needed his aid.

Nana smiled at me before responding.

Nana : All I could think about when Shoto was left was whether or not you were okay or not.

Nana's expression turned soft before she continued.

Nana : Y/N, please don't ever leave me in the dark again, I was worried--

Y/N : --I know Nana, you don't have to worry about me while your doin your job, I'm not that significant.

What I said shocked Nana right before she embraced me in a hug as I noticed a tear fall from her eye.

Nana : Don't ever say that Y/N, you mean the world to me.

The words Nana uttered meant the universe to me and I really didn't mean to cause her trouble.

Y/N : I'm sorry for making you worry.

If the roles were reversed I couldn't imagine losing Nana and would be extremely worried to.

Nana : Don't be sorry, today you managed to save Iida and Sorahiko and on top of that took down a villain, you should be proud.

Y/N : Thank you Nana

Nana smiled reassuringly before she stared off into the starry night sky.

Nana looked so beautiful at the moment, in fact she always did.

At the moment, an unfamiliar feeling developed inside of me.

I wasn't just some fanboy who obsessed over Nana, I actually got to know her and bond with her.

That day, I fell in love with Nana Shimura.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now