Against All Odds

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Nana's POV

I jabbed a Nomu to the stomach which sent it flying backwards.

More and more pro heroes joined the fight by the second, each taking on dozens of Nomu.

Heroes like Mt Lady and Kamui woods were actually helping out but the Nomu's soon began to outnumber all of us.

Garaki : Is this the best that you heroes can do!

Although this was a dire situation, I began thinking about Y/N.

If UA was really under attack right now, the students would be doomed especially since it's roaming high above the air where no one can get help from.

A Nomu charged towards me but Endeavor entered the fray and  burned it up.

Endeavor: If what Garaki said is true , then you need to get to UA fast.

I nodded at Endeavor since for once I actually agreed with him.

Nana : But that won't be easy since these Nomu's won't allow me to.

Just as I finished my sentence, another Nomu tried to attack me from behind but I managed to grab it's body and slam it into the ground.

Nana : We have to deal with them quickly.

Just then another Nomu tackled me onto the floor before speaking.

Nomu : If you're as strong as Garaki says you are then I want to fight you.

So the Nomu can talk.

I sent it back with a powerful uppercut and tried landing a leg kick but it dodged it and landed a powerful blow to my face.

Nomu : Come on Nana Shimura!! FIGHT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT!!

Soon, 2 more Nomu's entered the battle and stared at me with killing intent.

Endeavor and the other pro heroes were busy with the other Nomu's which left these 3 to me.

Nana : Last chance, get out of my way.

A Nomu chuckled before all three of them rushed towards me with super speed.

I managed to kick two of them at the same time and landed a jab on the third but they all got back up like it was nothing.

Then I guess I won't be holding back.

I felt One For All course through my veins as a violet aura appeared around my body.

I knew I could use 100% of my power, especially since the area had been evacuated and the other pro's could handle themselves so I didn't have to worry about anyone becoming collateral damage.

All three Nomu's charged at me in 3 different directions but I sent them all back with a powerful air pressure shockwave.

I grabbed one Nomu by the throat and smashed it into the ground before pummeling it with a series of jabs.

The 2nd Nomu tried to attack me from behind but I dodged the attack and landed a powerful drop kick.

The 3rd Nomu tried attacking me from the air but I took off of the ground and flew right into it right before landing multiple powerful blows on it's body which caused massive destruction around us.

Surprisingly after my attacks, The Nomu's still had the will to fight, but so did I.

Nomu : This fight, IT'S EXCITING ME SO MU--

Before the Nomu could finish its sentence I sent one of my most powerful jabs onto it's face which caused its whole body to fall to the ground as it now lay immobilized.

Before I could get the chance to look at my surroundings, the 1st Nomu tried to pierce it's large fingers into my scar hidden by my costume but I grabbed it's hands in time and thrust it far away into the air and into space.

Immediately after this the 2nd Nomu landed a powerful jab onto my stomach which made me groan in pain.

It didn't give me time to recover and sent a right hook onto my face which sent me staggering back.

The Nomu tried piercing its fingers into my eyes but I caught it's hand and ripped it off from it's body.

Next I sent a devastating uppercut onto its jaw which sent it extremely high above in the air.

I took off into the air as well and caught up with the Nomu that was now free falling above the continent.

I grabbed it by the neck before canon balling it back into Japan and back onto the battlefield which made it land onto the other Nomu's that the pro heroes were busy with causing a major shockwave and killing most Nomu's.

I landed on the battlefield and realized that there was only one Nomu left, one that was currently in battle with Endeavor who demanded to have it to himself.

Nana : Are you sure about this.


I nodded before taking off into the skies.

Finding UA would be difficult since it didn't have a fixed location because it constantly roamed the sky, but I would find it against all odds.

This was a task that was time consuming but I had to get there quick.

He needs me, Y/N needs me.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now