Lost Hope

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Before Nana and I could make our next move, Shigaraki suddenly fell to the ground in pain.

Shigaraki: Damn you!! I'm not retreating master!

I looked over to Nana in confusion, hoping she would explain the situation.

Nana : Incase you're wondering, it seems that All For One's conscious is trying to take control of Shigaraki's body and retreat.

Y/N : We can't let him escape.

Nana nodded before we both charged forwards, ready to subdue the enemy at hand.

Shigaraki lifted his head with a menacing smile on his face and suddenly his eyes were red.

All For One must've taken control.

Shigaraki: My apologies dear Tomura, but retreating is necessary.

All For One using Shigaraki's body then sprouted rivets from his chest and arms which me and Nana manged to dodge.

Nana : We won't let you escape.

Shigaraki: We'll see about that.

Shigaraki used his decay quirk to shatter and destroy the ground beneath us, causing Nana to grab a hold of me and take us somewhere safe from his decay.

As this happened, Gigantomachia regained consciousness and the remainder of the army of villains, including Shigaraki, escaped on his back.


I sighed as my vision became blurry and my body grew weaker.

Nana : Y/N, are you alright.

After Nana's statement I immediately collapsed onto the ground painfully.

This was probably due to my injuries I received from Shigaraki combined with all the stress I had from battle.

A few weeks had passed and I was on my way to recovery.

Only a handful of UA teachers and students were injured during the war and of course Aizawa was one of them.

He was currently in critical condition but the doctors said that he would live.

Unfortunately, the League Of Villain's didn't give us time to recover and destroyed three highly populated cities.

This action caused numerous casualties, so much so, alot of pro's couldn't handle it and quit their jobs as heroes.

These two events crippled societies trust in heroes and citizens became bitter and hateful towards them.

People were losing hope, and I was slowly losing hope too.

Currently, today is the day I get discharged from the hospital.

I stare out into the window and watch rain droplets fall to the ground, it had been raining non-stop for the past few hours.

Nana was currently sitting beside me on a chair next to the hospital bed with worry evident on her face.

I clenched my fists as I realized how useless I was during Japan's time of need.

I found it unbelievable that I, the next symbol of peace, was laying in a hospital bed helpless while Japan was in chaos.

I turned to a concerned Nana with emotion devoid from my face.

Y/N : Nana, you should choose another successor.

What I said seemed to have shocked Nana to her core.

Nana : What are you talking about Y/N, why would I ever do that.

Y/N : Just take a good look at me, The Mighty Heroine's successor lying in a hospital bed, unable to do hero work for now because of his injuries, how pathetic can I get.

Nana put her hand over mine and looked at me with a dead serious expression on her face.

Nana : Y/N, we've been through this before, you're my--

Y/N : --This time's different!! If I had just defeated Shigaraki, it would've saved lives and Japan's hope in heroes.

Nana : Y/N, we won't always succeed in life.

Y/N : Nana, I couldn't even protect my own teacher who's in critical condition right now and I'm the reason why Shigaraki almost stole One For All...what kind of hero am I.

A sad expression formed on Nana's face as she hung her head in shame.

Nana : It's not your fault Y/N, if I was a better hero 5 years ago, I could've defeated All For One and none of this would have happened.

Y/N : Nana, this horrible situation that's happening in Japan isn't because of you--

Nana : --Not to mention that if I was a better parental figure, Tenko wouldn't have become what he is today.

I hated the sight infront of me, I couldn't stand when Nana was in pain.

Nana : Sometimes in life we fall down, but it's only so that we can learn to pick ourselves up again.

What Nana said was like a bullet to my heart. Deep down I knew that she was right.

Nana : Even if you lose hope in yourself Y/N, I will always believe in you.

Nana then pecked me on my lips before leaving the hospital room.

What Nana had said and done meant the universe to me, but she was correct about me losing hope in myself.

Nana, you're too good for this world.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now