Y/N Vs All For One

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All For One sent energy blades in my direction but before they could impale me, Gran Torino jumped right in front of me and took the attack.


Gran Torino fell onto the ground in pain as I began to cradle his body.

Gran Torino: Don't worry about me kid, focus on the enemy at hand...you have to defeat him.

I nodded at his statement as I placed his body back on the ground.

I had to end this, it all ends today.

AFO : Thank you for such comedy, you never cease to surprise me with how pathetic you are.

Y/N : You're wrong, today your reign over Japan ends.

As I glared at the symbol of fear, I began to wonder if there was still hope for him, hope that he was still good somewhere deep inside of him.

My thoughts were cut short when All For One used one of the quirks at his disposal to summon hundreds of meteor's crashing onto the battlefield.

I managed to dodge most of the meteors and luckily so did the UA students and pro's.

Y/N : ALL FOR ONE!! maybe there's still hope for you, what made you this way, WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO!!

The enemy was silent for a moment before responding.

AFO : The answer is simple, I'm not like the rest of you, I do what I do because...

Wait, because of what? Is there actually hope for this man?

AFO : ... Simply because I LOVE IT!!!

I was shook to my core after he said this.

Sure I wanted to find out if he was there was good in him, but I also asked the question as I way to stall until One For All was strengthened.

AFO : Don't think you can stop me by relating to some sob story like the way you saved Tomura, I'M JUST MADE DIFFERENT!!! I AM PURE EVIL AND I LOVE IT!!!

Was there really nothing good inside of this man, I guess i can't change the mind of someone who actually loves and embraces their darkness.

Y/N : You're disgusting All For One.

The symbol of fear laughed menacingly as he lifted one finger, causing the battlefield to be horizontally split into two.

Damnit, having all the quirks in the world makes him damn near unstoppable.

AFO : Why don't we cut the chitchat and get straight to business shall we?

Come on One For All, I need you to be strengthened right now, or else I'm as good as dead.

Even though I probably couldn't do any damage to All For One, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing, so I sprinted towards him with great speed.

Suddenly, I came to an abrupt stop as the symbol of fear's eyes glowed red.

Damn!! He's using Aizawa's erasure quirk.

AFO : I told you Y/N L/N, you can't stop me.

All For One then created a tornado that painfully swept me onto the other half of the battlefield.

I landed right in front of the UA students and pro heroes who looked at me with hope in their eyes.


Iida : We believe in you Y/N.

Shoto : If there's anyone who can beat him it's you.

I was at a loss of words once this happened.

Y/N : Thank you... Everyone

Turns out that this was the inspiration I needed as I got back up on my feet.

I then immediately felt One For All course through my veins in a way like never before as (f/c) lightning circulated around me.

Finally, it's strengthened.

All For One took notice of this and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

AFO : This can't be!! Why isn't the erasure quirk working!!

Y/N : Because One For All has transcended to a point you can barely imagine.


Me and All For One sprinted towards each other faster than the human eye could perceive.

This is it, my final showdown.

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