Heroic Duo

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After Aizawa had informed us about All For One's escape, an hour had passed and there was now a Nomu outbreak on Kyushu City.

Nana and I were currently discussing what to do next about the situation with All For One until we received news of the Nomu attack.

Nana : If we manage to get a Nomu or two into police custody, the authorities might be able to extract important information from it regarding the League Of Villain's.

Y/N : We, as in me and you?

Nana : Yeah, I was hoping you would join me today and get the hang of doing hero work.

Y/N : Sure, that's a great idea actually, but what about the embers of One For All fading from you.

Nana smiled at me before responding.

Nana : If One For All is fading from me, then I want to use the last of it's power within me to protect as many as I can.

Y/N : But what about your retirement

Nana : It wouldn't kill me to lend a helping hand when no pro heroes are currently available.

I chuckled as I realized that almost nothing could stop Nana from being a hero.

Y/N : Spoken like a true hero.

A few hours later, Nana and I arrived at Kyushu City, ready to jump into action.

It wasn't long before the both of us were surrounded by a group of Nomu's.

Nana : Are you ready Y/N.

I nodded at Nana's statement right before I landed a powerful air pressure attack on a few Nomu which sent them flying away.

Next, Nana dodged one of the Nomu's attacks and landed two devastating powerful jabs onto it's body which seemed to paralyze it.

Nana : I'm impressed, it's seems that you've gotten stronger.

Y/N : But not as strong as you are,  I mean One For All is fading from you but you're still really powerful.

Before Nana could reply, a Nomu leaped from behind me but I grabbed it by it's arm and slammed it's body onto the ground before landing one hit which knocked it out.

Y/N : I've noticed, lately the Nomu's that the League Of Villain's have been using are not as strong as the one from USJ.

Nana : You're right, but I can't help but wonder why this would be, unless they're using all their other resources on someone else.

Y/N : Someone like Tomura Shigaraki or All For One now that he's escaped.

Just as I finished my statement I began to hear a destroyed building begin to collapse.

I turned my head to it's direction to see that it was about to fall on a bystander.

So with the speed of One For All I sprinted to the bystander, grabbed him and moved him out of the way safely and successfully.

Y/N : Are you alright, you should be more careful of your surroundings.

The bystander nodded, thanked me by patting my shoulders and abruptly sprinted away.

That was weird.

Nana : For a student at UA, you do exceedingly well with hero work, I'm sure you'll be a pro hero soon in no time.

I smiled at Nana before replying to her complement.

Y/N : It's all thanks to you really.

Our conversation was cut short by more Nomu approaching us.

Y/N : Looks like it's gonna be hard to get all of them to stay down.

Nana smiled at me reassuringly.

Nana : But we'll manage, eventually.

Nana was right and after a couple of hours had passed, we had put down every single Nomu within Kyushu City.

As we motioned to leave, the residents of the city began to thank us and cheer us on, calling us a heroic duo.

I was happy our mission was a success and that I was actually recognized for my hero work.

However even though this was a good day, all I could think about was All For One's escape.

Now that he was free, what if he went after Nana, this time she wouldn't be able to defend herself since One For All was fading from her.

I have to get stronger faster and   become the next symbol of peace ASAP.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now