The Hero Killer

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Immediately after (f/c) lighting began to circulate around my body and hero costume, Gran Torino walked into the room seeming surprised.

Gran Torino: I'm surprised you figured it out that fast.

Y/N : Uh, thank you.

Gran Torino: Now let's try that exercise again

Y/N : Sure

Gran Torino began using his quirk to once again move around swiftly but this time I was positive I was ready for him.

I managed to dodge 3 of his kicks and saw an opening, so I launched my fist into his gut which sent him into the wall in pain.

Y/N : Gran Torino!

I rushed to help him up but he insisted he was fine.

Y/N : I'm sorry, I didn't know that my strength would increase that drastically.

Gran Torino: Its alright kid, I've suffered punches far worse than that, but you've definitely improved, now I'm starting to see why Nana chose you as her successor.

I bowed my upper body Infront of him as a sign of respect.

Y/N : Thank you Gran Torino sir.

Gran Torino: It seems as though it's getting late outside, why don't we patrol.

Y/N : Sure, that would be a great idea.

It was now 8pm and the stars were clearly evident in the night sky.

Me and Gran Torino had been patrolling for about 15 minutes and noticed no sign of anything villainous.

Gran Torino: Well then, all seems good for tonight.

At that moment I heard a piercing scream that I recognized.

Gran Torino: Where did that come from!!

Y/N : It sounded like it came two streets ahead of us.

Gran Torino: Let's go

What the hell was happening and why did I hear Iida's scream.

Me and Gran Torino arrived at the source of the scream which led us into an alley.

I couldn't believe the sight infront of me as I saw what appeared to be a villain, stabbing Iida's leg with a sword as he lays on the ground.

Gran Torino: L/N, stay close to me!!

Villain : And who might you two so called 'heroes' be.

Gran Torino immediately began to scowl before responding.

Gran Torino: I know that face, I've seen you on the news, you're the infamous Hero Killer Stain aren't you.

My body began shaking with fear. Who the hell was this villain.

Why was he called The Hero Killer

That was a question I knew the answer to but didn't want to think about.

Stain : You didn't answer my question!!

The Hero Killer Stain than swung his sword in Gran Torino's direction but luckily he managed to dodge the attack.

Gran Torino: L/N, help the injured boy and escape with him now.

I rushed to Iida's side and asked him if he was okay.

Iida: Don't worry about me Y/N, just leave, this doesn't concern you.

Stain then turned to face us with murder evident in his eyes.

Stain : I'm not letting you leave with that boy, he calls himself a hero but attempted to murder me right after he found me which of course he failed to do.

What the hell did I just hear, Iida would never try to murder anyone but then again he wasn't denying this either.

Stain : I'm going to kill all you fake heroes!

Stain then charged towards me and Iida with killing intent.

I didn't know what was going on, but I had to stop this.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now