Nana V All For One

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Nana's POV

I managed to land a hit on All For One's chest which managed to send him a few meters back but this seemed to enlighten him.

AFO : Well Nana, is it me or did you get weaker over the years.

I absolutely hated the man standing in front of me at the moment. He is the one person that can't be redeemed.

Nana : Just give it up, this fight is only going to end the same way our previous encounter did.

AFO : Are you sure for certain.

All For One then used one of the quirks he had at his disposal to send an air pressure attack so powerful it managed to send me off balance.

Sorahiko then jumped into action and tried landing hits on All For One which he all dodged right before he sent a blast of electricity into Sorahiko's body causing him to grunt in pain.

I leaped forward and landed a powerful jab on All For One's black helmet which I was positive was some kind of life support system probably due to his injuries from our previous encounter.

My punch seemed to only have cracked the black helmet right before All For One punched my stomach and sent me flying with a powerful backhand to the face.

This fight was already proving to be difficult since All For One had a multitude of quirks to his disposal.

I charged towards him and launched my fist into his direction at nearly full power but he used some sort of teleportation quirk to teleport Sorahiko in front of me causing me to land a powerful blow into Sorahiko's body which caused him to cough up what seemed to be a river of blood.

Nana : Sorahiko!! I'm so sorry!

I cradled Sorahiko's body as he lost consciousness much to All For One's amusement.

I flew to a safe spot and laid Gran Torino's unconscious body there before returning to battle.

AFO : You heroes, always hurting the ones dearest to you, tell me Nana Shimura, what would you do if you accidentally hurt that successor of yours, Y/N L/N.

What All For One had just said was enough to stop me in me tracks due to the sheer horror of that thought which gave him a chance to land a blast so powerful it re-opened my scar and injured me severely.

I began grunting in pain but all I could think about was Y/N.

I would never forgive myself if I ever hurted him. Did I make a mistake by making him my successor, involving him in all this danger.

AFO : Look at you now, The Mighty Heroine lay defeated in pain.

I groaned in pain as I got back up on my feet.

Nana : You're wrong All For One, I'm not defeated.

I can't, no I won't lose today. Y/N was counting on me so I wouldn't let him down.

All For One chuckled sinisterly before responding.

AFO : I guess it's time to tell you that my protege Tomura Shigaraki is the Nephew you abandoned, Tenko Shimura.

What the hell did I just hear right now, how could this possibly be.

What All For One said left me subject to another one of his attacks.

Deep down inside, I knew this wasn't the time to feel guilty as I had to defeat All For One.

I stood up once again before managing to land two powerful blows to All For One in anger, right before I sent him staggering back with a powerful right hook which managed to crack his helmet further.


I then pushed myself beyond my limits and punched All For One with my most powerful attack ever.

This attack caused major shockwaves that caused immense destruction around us and managed to shatter All For One's helmet to pieces and knock him out cold.

I finally did it.

I raised up my right arm as I showcase of victory towards the news helicopter with camera's that circled the area high above in the air.

Even though I had defeated All For One, all I could think about was Y/N and how Tenko Shimura was Tomura Shigaraki.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now