My Future

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A day had passed since Shigaraki and the rest of the League Of Villain's capture which was a huge success.

To my surprise, the public actually noticed my hero work all thanks to a news chopper that flew over the battlefield.

Apparently it had recorded my whole fight with Shigaraki which had taken the news and media by storm.

People were actually calling me the new symbol of peace which really meant alot to me especially since I'm Nana's successor.

However, Nana arrived at UA last night and shocked us all with the info she had found out about.

All For One is planning on stealing every quirk in the world which would make him unstoppable.

Me and the other UA students had to train hard during the small period of time we had left, we have to stop All For One from exacting his plan.

After a while, I met Nana on one of the UA training grounds which was secluded since the other UA students and teachers were busy training on other grounds.

Once Nana arrived I immediately hugged her tightly right before she did the same.

Y/N : Hey Nana

Nana : Hey Y/N, there's actually two things I want to tell you before we begin training.

Y/N : Sure, what is it about?

Nana's smile widened as I backed up from her, giving her space to tell me what she needed to tell me.

Nana : Firstly, I wanted to thank you for saving seemed impossible to do but you actually managed to do it.

I smiled back at Nana reassuringly before responding.

Y/N : See, I kept my promise, I told you I would save him.

Nana : I'm glad you did, but the second thing I wanted to tell you about involves your sudden rise in popularity amongst the news and media.

Y/N : Yeah, what about it?

Nana : Because you did so well in your fight with Shigaraki, the higher ups are actually considering that you graduate pre-maturely and become a pro-hero in the next two months.

What Nana stated was a pleasant surprise for me, I always dreamed of becoming a pro hero but I never expected it to happen this soon.

Y/N : Woah, that's amazing, incredible actually!

Nana : Congrats, I'm so proud of you Y/N.

Nana then wrapped me in her arms and embraced me in a bear hug.

Y/N : Thanks alot Nana.

After my hug with Nana, I landed a deep and long kiss on her lips which she reciprocated.

Soon, we broke apart from each other to get some air.

Y/N : Without you Nana I would have never made it this far.

Nana : And without you my life would be completely different for the worst However, as much as I'd like to do this with you all day we have to train.

Y/N : No problem, I understand

Right before Nana and I could proceed with training, the pro hero I recognized to be Sir Nighteye stepped onto the training ground and walked towards us.

Sir Nighteye : Nana, I need to speak to you and your successor urgently.

Wait a minute, he knows that I'm Nana's successor.

Nana : Nighteye, what are you doing here, I wasn't expecting you but if you wanna talk to us, we can head into my office.

After the three of us headed into Nana's office, Sir Nighteye was the first to speak.

Nighteye : As you already know Y/N L/N, I was Nana's sidekick a few years ago but now I've returned to make sure her future is safe and secure after this upcoming war.

Nana : I appreciate it Nighteye but you don't have to do that for me, I would actually prefer you make sure Y/N's future is safe rather than mine.

Nighteye : Fine then, as you wish

Nighteye touched my hand in order to activate his quirk called Foresight to see into my future.

A moment later, Nighteye let go of my hand and fell to his knees as he seemed horrified.

Nana : Nighteye!! Are you okay?

Y/N : Sir Nighteye, what exactly did you see!?

Nighteye : Y-your's terrifying.

Nana : Nighteye, tell us what you saw.

Nighteye got back up on his feet before replying.

What the hell did he just see?

Nighteye : I don't know how to say this but...

Nana : But what!?

Nighteye : During this upcoming final war, Y/N fails to save a few other pro heroes and you from dying.

What, Nana dies and i fail to save her, this can't be!

Nighteye : But shortly after that, All For One succeeds with his plan and gets a hold of every quirk in the world, thus making him unstoppable which leads to him taking over the world.

Nana : But that can't be!

Nighteye : However I saw another future, a future where Y/N stops All For One--

Nana : --Then that's great--

Nighteye : --But at the cost of his own life, making him the World's greatest hero.

I fell onto one of the office couches and sighed in defeat.

Y/N : If it means that everyone else including Nana lives, then I'm fine with that future.

My statement shook Nana to her core immediately.


Nighteye : Nana calm down, unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it, and there's no possible way we can tell which future is actually gonna happen.

After a moment of silence, Nighteye decided to leave as I approached Nana who broke into tears.

Nana : I can't lose you Y/N, I've lost too many people in my life, and I can't allow you to be one of them.

Y/N : If if means that you get to live then I don't mind.

I then hugged her tightly as I told her that everything would be okay.

If I had to die in order for Nana to live then I would gladly put my life on the line.

The only problem was that we couldn't tell which of the two futures would come true.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now