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2x05 Awful People ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Savanna Brooklyn Gray was currently in a piss poor mood which was apparent by her bouncing leg and deep frown. She knew she should probably schedule a visit with Dr. Owens, her therapist but she had a tendency to procrastinate. She silently followed behind Cap as they approached a woman who was run over by a car in the grocery parking lot.
"LAFD. Step aside, please." Bobby called as the crowd parted for four sixth of their team, Chimney and Hen where close behind in the ambulance.
"I didn't know what to do. I was afraid to move the car." An elderly lady spoke as they approached her car.
"You did the right thing. We'll take it from here." Savanna reassures the frantic women with a smile.
"Do any of you have a pen? I've got a partial license plate. Somebody should write it down." The blonde woman groaned from under the car.
"Don't worry about the license plate, ma'am. It's right here on the back of the car." Eddie reassured her that Savanna began to check her heart and lungs.
"Not this car. The car that hit me." She growled out. "Uh, wait, this isn't the car that hit you?" Buck questioned, frowning his eyebrows in confusion. "No, this is the car that ran me over." She groaned "Better be insured." She added.
Savanna stopped tilting her head; she couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen this woman before. "Let's just focus on getting you out of here first, ma'am." Cap spoke. "I think there's enough room. We can slide a backboard under here and pull her out that way." Buck told them as Savanna glanced over to Chimney and Hen who were approaching.
"Okay, c-can you tell me your name?" Eddie questioned. "Lorraine." She grunted.
"Hey, wait. Don't we know you?" Hen questioned confirming that Savanna did know her. "Uh, no, I don't... I don't, I don't think so." She stuttered. "Last year, Hancock Park." Savanna spoke finally remembering as she smiled at Athena who approached.
"That's right. I will never forget a femur." Chim snapped his fingers pointing at her. Lorraine chuckled nervously as Athen observed her with her lips pursed, "It's the damned Porch Pirate." She confirmed as Lorraine let out an exaggerated moan.
They loaded Lorraine onto a gurney as Chim checked her Pupils, Savanna was looking at her watch while counting her pulse while he was over for any major breaks. "Guess you moved up from porches to parking lots, huh, Lorraine? What's your scam?" Athena questioned with a hard stare.
"I don't know what you are talking about. I went to my court-mandated treatment. I'm completely cured. Haven't stolen a package in months." Lorraine fakely smiled as she removed the Oxygen mask from her face.