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The Searchers 3x03 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Savanna had once loved the ocean but today had changed her view on it completely. "All right, grab an extra harness, rope, pulleys, figure eight plates. I'll coordinate evac and transport some down here." Bobby directed Eddie who nodded and began to harness up.
"Sounds like a plan, Cap." Savanna watched as Eddie began to climb to the top of the ferris wheel.
"Help! Someone help me, I can't move!" Savanna's head snapped towards the top left cart; the female voice sounded fairly young.
"Cap." Savanna spoke.
"Go." Bobby told her and Savana began to climb.
Reaching the one on the top left cart, savanna climbed in her eyes landing on a young blonde teen. "Hey, hi my name Savanan what's yours?" Savanna began taking the young girl's vitals,
"Sabrina - m-my name is Sabrina ." The blonde girl gasped out.
"Okay Sabrina where's the most pain?" Savanna asked quickly.
"It hurts to breathe and i-i can't move my arm." Sabrina cried out in pain as the ride began to shift.
"Okay Sabrina this is what's happening, the Hubbs on this ride are loose meaning it's going to come down any second. I'm gonna put this harness on you and lower you but it's going to hurt like hell." Savanna told her calmly, pushing some of her hair out of her face.
"Okay." Sabrina nodded. Savanna poked her head out of the side of the cart.
"Cap, I got one coming down! Broken arm, possibly broken ribs." Savana called down to Bobby who nodded.
"Alright sweetheart, I'm gonna help you stand." Savanna lifted the girl as she let out a pained cry.
"I know, I know." Savanna soothed as she wrapped the harness around her.
"You're coming with me right?" Sabrina looked at Savanna like a small child and suddenly Savanna could see herself in the young girl's eyes.
"I'll be right behind you until then, My captain will take very good care of you." Savanna reassured the teen who nodded.
"She's ready, Cap!" Savanna called as Sabrina began to lower, still crying in pain. Savanna was knocked back by a harsh movement.
"Incoming, debris!" Savanna heard Bobby yell.
"Shit." Savanna mumbled ignoring the fact she cut her hand. Savanna watched two bodies fall into the water or more like jump. Climbing over the side of the ride she watched Eddie and the female firefighter being pulled into the lifeboat.