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Malfunction 3x07 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
Halloween and thanksgiving had come and gone quickly, Savanna and Eddie's newly formed relationship had been practically been put on a pause ever since Savanna came home from a shift and found him covered in bruises and blood and he refused to tell her why, even though she had a pretty good idea what he was doing.
Eddie was doing the same thing Carter had between his second and third deployment, he was street fighting which would soon land him in jail, a hospital bed, or he would send someone else to the hospital possibly in a body bag. Even if the couple were fighting that didn't stop Chris and Savanna from spending almost everyday together along with the new addition of Sabrina who Chris had taken an exponential liking to.
Sabrina had a hard few weeks adjusting to living with savanna most nights she was afraid to sleep which in return savanna and nova sat with her. After a few weeks she did sleep only for nightmares to plague her but after a month and a half Sabrina was able to spend most of her nights sleeping soundlessly it had been the first time in Sabrina's life that she ever left safe and a part of her was still terrified it would be taken away from her.
Savanna couldn't bite back the laugh as she watched Buck slip on the ice skating rink, the 118 was currently responding to a figure skating misshapen and Buck, Savanna and Eddie were looking for a lost finger. "Oh so graceful Evan." Savanna jokes laughing at him as she scooted along the ice.
"Not all of us did competitive dance like you." Buck pouted as he slipped once again this time he was able to stay on his feet.
"You did dance?" Eddie questioned a few feet away from them.
"And gymnastics, and archery." Buck added, making Savanan roll her eyes.
"I am a woman of many talents." Savanna jokes.
"Found one finger, Cap. Still looking for the other ones." Buck informed Bobby who walked over to them.
"Hey, got the pinkie." Eddie called picking up the pinky from under the fake snow
"Found the ring finger." Savanna called, picking up the finger from next to the fake tree.
"Yes! I got the middle one!" Buck grinned childishly while holding the finger up in the air earning a laugh from Savanna seeing a detached middle finger flipping her off.
The three turned to Bobby who was shining his flashlight on the ice looking at it intensely. "Hey... hey, Cap. We... we found all the fingers." Buck informed their captain while watching him confused.