𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁

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Buck, Actually 2x08▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Buck, Actually 2x08

"Who is Norman and where the hell is he?" Savanna questioned as she put on a helmet so she got ready to drop down onto a ledge where a woman had hung a sign reading 'See Me Norman'.

Eddie tugged on the harness around her waist making sure it was secure "Hey, how was the new school?" She asked, looking at Eddie who chuckled.

"I'll tell you all about it when you come up." Savanna fake pouted at his answer.

"Hell no! I won't come down until Norman sees me! And don't you try to force me down!" She screamed down to Athena who looked completely fed up with the women.

"Nobody's gonna force you to do anything. We're just gonna talk. What's your name?" Athena spoke into the microphone.

"Lola!" She called back.

"Lola, my name's Athena. What's the problem?" Athena asked Lola who paced back and forth on the sign railing.

"The problem? The problem is, after 30 years of marriage, I can't get 30 seconds of attention from my husband!" Savanna waited for the all clear from Bobby so she could drop down.

"It's like I'm invisible! But I'm-I'm not invisible! I am here, damn it! See me, Norman!" Lola opened her robe, earning cheers from onlookers waiting to get to work. "See me now?!" Lola screamed.

"Oh I am so glad I am up here." Savanna spoke looking at Buck and Eddie who both gave a nod of agreement.

"Lola, good news. We found your man. He's on his way." Athena informed them.

"I won't come down until he sees me!" She clenched both of her first, throwing them up.

"Ma'am, you're the most famous face in the city right now. There isn't exactly a way to miss you." Athena sassed back.

"I don't care." Lola yelled like a child.

"Okay, move Savanna into position." Bobby radioed up to the three firefighters.

Savanna began to climb down onto the freeway sign, "Okay, Chim." Bobby radioed as they pulled the airbag under lola who began to scream.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! What are you doing?!" She exclaimed, stomping her feet.

"It's just there for your safety, Lola." Athena assured her as savanna planted her feet on the ledge.

"I-I told you! I said..." Lola pulled a gun out of her pocket shooting the airbag then turning the gun to Savanna. Savanna's heart stopped as she froze staring the barrel of the gun down, suddenly she was fifteen again and Sam Waylen was standing over her in Longfellow highschool. Savanna's breath faltered as she held her hands up.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝗗𝗼, 𝖤𝖽𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝖣𝗂𝖺𝗓Where stories live. Discover now