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Fallout 3x08 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
"Hey Kiddo, I need your list by the end of the week." Savanna slugged her duffle bag over her shoulder as she looked at Sabrina who was curled up on the couch with Nova watching the grinch.
"My list?" Sabrina's face scrunched in confusion.
"Your Christmas list." Savanna clued her in grabbing her keys from the hook.
Sabrina sat up from her lying position looking at Savanna shocked, "We're gonna celebrate Christmas?" Sabrina's face lit up.
"Of course we are, it's a mandatory holiday in this house." Savanna smiled at Sabrina but her heart slightly broke realizing that the girl had never celebrated Christmas.
"Well actually we have to work on christmas day so i thought we could do a christmas eve celebration?" Sabrina nodded happily. "Good work on the list, lock the doors, the cameras are armed, if you go anywhere, take Nova." Savanna looking at Sabrina earning a nod.
• • •
Savanna sat in the loft of the firehouse and a book was in her hands but she mindlessly stared at the words on the page, her mind kept going to hen and how she must be feeling right now. "So you still haven't heard anything from the chief about Hen?" Savanna looked around feeling the cushion next to her dip in she glanced at Eddie who's arm rested behind her on the back of the coach, then across the living room area at Chimney who sat on the loveseat, sharing chips with Buck who sat on the end of the coach closest to him.
"I would tell you if they'd made a ruling, Buck... they haven't." Bobby informed Buck as he took a seat on the arm of the coach.
"But shouldn't the investigators be done by now? We all know it was an accident." Chimney spoke up before shoving a chip in his mouth.
"Saw her yesterday. I was on my way into Frank's, ran into her outside the building. She seemed okay, just sad." Eddie's arm came forwards wrapping around Savanna's neck pulling her into his body.
"You can't blame her for that." Savanna spoke, shutting her book deciding she wasn't going to be able to finish it this afternoon.
"Or for anything." Chimney added.
"How's therapy with Frank? Haven't seen him in a while." Buck asked Eddie who shrugged
"Seems good. Though I'm not really sure he and I are... clicking." Eddie shrugged. Savanna subtly rolled her eyes, they weren't clicking because Frank told Eddie what he didn't want to hear.