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The One That Got Away 3x16 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃
"Well hello, pretty girl." Savanna smiled brightly at the little girl in front of her. The 118 and the 122 were responding to an apartment fire.
"Hi." The little girl's voice broke as she spoke, "My throat hurts." She then crocked out.
"Well I happen to have a bottle of water, why don't you sip on this while I check your heart, is that okay?" Savanna held out a water bottle for the little girl and waited for her permission before taking her vitals.
When Savanna finished taking her vitals she smiled at the little girl she was squatting in front of. "So sweetheart what's your name? Where are your parents?" Savanna asked softly.
"Lilly and my Mommy left to get some milk from the store across the street, she said it was too cold for me to be out this late," Lilly informed her.
"Hmm, I see Lilly how old are you?" Savanna asked as she got a breathing treatment ready for Lilly.
"Eight." Lilly smiled.
"Lilly! Oh god, Lilly! Lilly!" A frantic voice screamed through the tents.
"Mommy!" Lilly called out to the familiar voice.
Savanna watched a brunette woman in scrubs hurry to Lilly hugging her like her life depended on it. "Oh my god, oh my god are you okay? Is she okay?" The mother looked at Savanna.
"She's fine, her heart rate was a little elevated but that is to be expected with the adrenaline and her BP was normal, I was going to give her a breathing treatment and then send her to Mercy just to be safe," Savanna explained softly, the mother smiled at the firefighter thanking her.
"It's no problem really, someone should be over soon to transport you." Savanna smiled waving bye to Lilly.
"Gray, we need you on standby." Bobby's voice came through
"Of course, they're doing a rope rescue." Savanna deadpanned as she approached Bobby standing next to him.
"Ladder couldn't reach." Bobby shrugged.
Eddie and Buck were currently rushing to save a deaf woman who had been trapped on the fifth floor the the apartment building. Savanna watched nervously as Buck scaled down the side of the building stopping at the window before slamming into it.
"Eddie, I got her. Coming back out."
"Copy that. The fire's getting a little close up here. We need to double-time it." Eddie informed as Buck came back out of the widow with Gladys.