02 : Alive and Well

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NOTE: Ankoku is a character I made, so don't try and look for it on jjk Wikipedia or smth

Also, whenever I say full names, they are Last Name then First Name. For example, Kanei Suzume, her last name is Kanei and her first name is Suzume.

"You're alive!? "

Satoru looked at her with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, he was shocked, and not hiding it at all.

"Alive..? What do you mean? I didn't die, where'd you hear that?" Y/N spoke, her eyebrow arching as she slightly tilted her head, looking up at him with confused eyes. Her heart was still beating out of her chest. This was so sudden, he was so close to her all of a sudden after years of being separated. They were talking after seven years! Although, those seven years felt like centuries for her.

He let out an airy chuckle, still not able to believe the sight in front of him. "I... Our clan was told you died after a fight with a special grade named Ankoku." He said, somehow managing to speak in proper sentences. His mind was confused, his eyes felt like they were looking at an illusion, he felt like he was in another dimension. The shock really got to him.

Y/N's eyes slightly widened at the special grade's name, before she looked down, letting out a sigh. She then shook her head as she looked back up at him, "No, I didn't die, just injured..." A smile formed on her face as she looked into his eyes hiding behind sunglasses. 

"You've..really grown since we last met..huh?" She let out a chuckle as she spoke, and a slight smirk appeared on his face, "So have you..." A genuine smile then formed on his face, as he spoke in a soft voice, one she'd heard only once before.

"I..really missed you, Y/N." He broke eye contact as a dry chuckle escaped his mouth, "I'm so glad you're alive." 

"SATORU! SUGURU! SHOKO! COME HERE!!" A deep voice yelled, it was Mr. Yaga. Satoru flinched as he looked back at Yaga. "Okay.." He mumbled, slightly rolling his eyes, then he looked back at Y/N, a wide smile appearing on his face. "After the day ends, meet me in the centre plaza, the area in front of the main office building. We'll talk then, okay?" He spoke, his voice had undertones (more like overtones) of ecstatic. 

He then ran off to Yaga, and Y/N smiled as she watched him run, then she went to her own teacher.

"Okay, we'll be doing combat training now! No weapons. Since there are 3 second-years and 5 first years, you guys will be going two-on-one with either Satoru or Suguru, with one person going one on one with Shoko." Kanei then looked at Y/N, "How about you go on a one-on-one fight with Shoko, since you're new and all." 

The groups were then made, Nanami and that weird boy fighting Gojo, Haibara and the girl beside the weird boy were fighting Suguru. 

Y/N walked up to Shokoand gave her a slight bow, she was her senior after all. "Hello, my name is Fujiwara Y/N." She smiled, looking at her, when Shokogave her a smile. "Ieiri Shoko, you can just call me Shoko though." Shoko then went into a fighting stance, "Ready?" Y/N nodded, and they began fighting.

Shoko was going slightly easy on Y/N, which was obvious, Y/N was easily dodging her attacks. "Ie- I mean.. Shoko... you can fight me a bit more seriously, I'm not that inexperienced" Y/N said, a slight grin on her face. Shoko chuckled, nodding, and started to fight seriously. 

Y/N dodged some of her attacks, before creating some distance, using the distance to her advantage, she started running to Shoko, generating speed and balling up her fists. Shoko raised her eyebrows, "The hell.." She muttered as she got ready to dodge any attack before Y/N slid down and knocked Shoko off her feet. 

"The hell??" Shoko said as she lay down on the ground,  "Nice trick," She chuckled as she got up, and then went back into her battle stance. "Let's fight again, now I know you're gonna be fun to fight...unlike some other first years.." She gave Y/N a smile, and they continued to spar.


The day had now ended, it was 5 pm and Y/N was heading to her dorm. Y/N arrived at her dorm, she was about to open the door, but from inside, she sensed a different energy. 

A cursed spirit...? But this wasn't here yesterday when I moved my things in... Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as she opened the door, nothing was there. 


Y/N changed out of her uniform, took a shower and then changed into a white short sleeve button-up with a ribbed top, and under that wore beige cargo pants, along with some simple gold/silver jewelry (depending on what u like).

I still have an hour to kill... How about I go meet up with Shoko?

Y/N left her room, locking the dorm. Shoko had given Y/N her dorm number, so Y/N came over. Shoko was dressed casually, in a tank top and some shorts. Y/N smiled giving her a small bow, "Hey Ie-" She was cut off by Shoko yelling, "WE'RE FRIENDS! DON'T BOWW!" Shoko grabbed her shoulders, shaking them. Y/N was slightly taken aback, but she nodded, smiling. "Okay, okay..." Y/N cleared her throat, "Okay, let me restart... Yo, Shoko."

A wide smile appeared on Shoko's face as she nodded, "Yes, way better! Come in." Y/N came in and sat down, Shoko's dorm was bigger than hers, probably because she was a second year. She had a little TV and a huge bean bag a few meters away from her bed, it was a nice room. 

"So, what brings you here?" Shoko said as she plopped herself onto the bean bag, there was another one beside it, to which she patted her hand pn, indicating Y/N to sit there. Y/N took a seat, and spoke, "Just was planning to spend like....an hour or so with you" Shoko smiled, as she looked at Y/N "Sounds good," She then got up and opened a door...but beside that door...was another door. 

Y/N gasped, her eyes wide, "DO SECOND YEARS HAVE...SOMETHING OTHER THAN A BEDROOM AND A BATHROOM?" Shoko looked back at her with wide eyes, shocked by her sudden yelling, then smiled widely and laughed. "Oh, yeah! The dorms get better the older you are, third years have the best dorms." Y/N got up, "What extra things do second years have?" Shoko chuckled, looking proud, "A MINI KITCHEN!" She flung open the door to the kitchen. "We have a double induction cooktop! A mini oven! Along with a fridge! And, a sink, obviously!" Shoko spoke, pointing to everything, as if she was in a commercial, showing the viewers what they have to offer.

Y/N fawned over this new revelation, smiling widely, "Wow... I can't believe the school..cares..." She said, wiping her fake tears away. Shoko snickered and heated up a frozen pizza for the two of them. "Frozen pizzas are great, cause if you're just one person, they can be like...your meal for an entire day or two." 

She then gave Y/N a slice as both of them put on a TV show to watch. "Wanna watch..hm..friends? I mean it ended two years ago, but we can always rewatch. Or...I can...if you haven't." Shoko said as she put it on (reminder, it's 06 right now!!). They watched a few episodes before Y/N had to leave, "Bye, Shoko!" She said as she waved, then shut the door, now walking to meet Satoru.

Some chills went down her spine as she walked, and her stomach hurt a little from how nervous she was getting. Would he be mad that she never reached out? How could we begin to explain everything that happened? It was all that occupied her mind, and she didn't even notice that she had arrived at the centre plaza now. She saw Satoru there in a T-shirt and some pants, wearing his sunglasses again. He saw her, and began waving, "HEY, Y/N! COME HERE!"

I can't tell if this is gonna go well...

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