22 : Lucky

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You stood there, looking deep in his blue eyes as he looked at yours, a smile present on both of your faces.

His warm gaze wandered around your face, going back to your lips already, but he controlled the urge to start kissing you again.

You were doing the same, but... eventually picked up on how both of you wanted it, and a second make out session started.

His touch was so comforting and warm, but made you flinch because of how you were still so sensitive to it. His arms snaked around your waist and his hands would sometimes graze the small of your back.

It was so amazing.

Eventually, you two stopped, and he chuckled.

"If I knew we were gonna do this... I'd have confessed a lot earlier, baby..." He said, slightly out of breath, as he took a few deep breaths.

Baby. He'd already given you an endearing name, and you just couldn't help but blush at it, as well as how he was breathing. He all of a sudden seemed a thousand times more attractive.

You smiled, "If only we knew..." You said, looking down as your hands found his, holding them tightly, as he held your hands tightly as well. Then he spoke, "So..." He chuckled again, just not being able to adapt to the fact that you were his.

"You're my girlfriend, right?"

"Obviously, 'Toru..." You said, his nickname was something he secretly loved. How you said it was just so cute.

"Do you want to keep it a secret or... do you not mind making it public?" He said, rubbing your knuckles in circles as he spoke.

"I wanna tell everybody... but I'm not sure how some people would react..." You said, unsure of what to do. He sighed, smiling as he looked up, his infinity keeping the rain away. He still hadn't mastered it, and couldn't always do it on command. Today was a lucky day.

"Well..." He spoke softly, "We can keep it secret for a while, and when we think it's best... announce it to the others, okay?" He smiled at you as he looked back down, and a smile appeared on your face too.

"Until I can tell others your mine... I'll give you something that tells people you're someone else's girlfriend. Especially Naoya..." He sighed, but quickly became happy again as he pulled out a small velvet box from the pocket inside his suit.

"I bought this...a bit earlier, because I planned to tell you. I thought I was just gonna... return it but..." He paused for a brief moment just staring at the box, then at you, "I don't need to. I got lucky." 

You smiled widely, blushing but also giggling slightly. "You got lucky? Satoru, I mean, I liked you way before..." He nodded, "Yeahh, but.. if you didn't come after me, I'd have probably just gone home... then returned this later, so... I got lucky having someone so caring like me ."

You smiled at the comment, blushing as you looked at the ground, which he loved. He loved when you were all shy, didn't know what to say, just blushed and smiled. 

He opened the box, and out came a beautifully carved silver/gold diamond ring.

He took your hand, sliding it on your ring finger. 

"For my wonderful girlfriend."

He looked at you after looking at your hand have the ring on.

"For my gorgeous girlfriend."

You blushed, as you put your hand closer to your face, looking at the ring.

"Satoru... wasn't this really expensive? I-"

"You shouldn't care about that... It's a gift. I'll get you an even better one later, but I'll have to do a little saving for the one I'm thinking about... It'll suit you perfectly." He said, holding your hand gently, his fingers sliding in between your own.

"Whenever a guy asks you out... just show them the ring... and if they still don't stop then give me a quick call." He smirked, "Then we have no choice but to show them that we're together, right?"

You chuckled, blushing.

"You're cute, Satoru..."

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