110 : Hope

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"We need you two to separate. You cannot live together. Please send us proof of residence, each of you. We will randomly check within the next week to make sure you're living separately." The higher-up told both of you, then walked away. You stood there, feeling as if he took away your ability to speak with him. All you two could do was stand there, as your relationship was starting to ruin.

You were driving to your family's home. Your dad and mom would be there.  Your dad comforted you, knowing how much you were going through. Even after that, you still felt horrible. You then made your way to your mother. She laid there, still, not moving, closed eyes.

Monitors still surrounded her, a steady beeping being heard.

You sat beside her, sighing. 

You looked at her closed eyes, as you began to speak.

"Mom..." You called out to her, like a lost child. "I told you about everything... about how Satoru proposed to me... our trip, everything... But now the higher-ups want to separate us. They think we won't do our jobs, that we'll have tons of power over them... And it's all because of Naoya." You said, your voice becoming shaky near the end. 

"Mom... I... I didn't know what to do. We can't continue... because if we do... all funding to both our families gets cut off. Everyone will lose their jobs as sorcerers... They don't have the proper tools to keep on going, obviously... So, we had to sacrifice one or the other."

Tears welled up in your eyes, as you desperately blinked them away.

"Mom... What do I do?" You said, looking down. You kissed her forehead, hugging her.

Like a child, you clung on to her. You never got to grow up with her. With her, you were still a child.

"Mom... Wake up, tell me, please mom..." You let go, moving your hand to her forehead. 

You tried, once more. 

"Cryogenic Cursed Technique... Rejuvenation: Reconstruction..."

You closed your eyes, reciting that phrase in your mind, again and again. Just like you always would. Your eyes shot open when you felt a comforting cold... One you felt a long time ago.

Your breath caught in your throat as you saw a blue hue transferring from you to your mother. She was covered by small, delicate snowflakes. As if she came inside after being outside while snow softly fell.

You watched eagerly, as the snowflakes on her skin and hair slowly melted, and the blue aura slowly became dimmer. 

It all went away after a minute, and you were unsure whether it worked or not.

Your heart pounded in your ears as your stomach turned.



Naoya stood in front of the higher-ups.

He bowed down to them, and began to speak.

" I... I thought about my proposal, I don't think you should've considered it. Please allow Gojo Satoru and Fujiwara Y/N to return to their normal relationship. I- I don't think it's within our bounds to control the lives of our sorcerers fully. I think.. this would make them rebel more."

A higher-up laughed, "They won't do anything, at least the powerful ones from families. Their family funding will get cut off, no more jobs. I mean, imagine the guilt! Naoya, we liked your points, we think they're right. So... we implemented them! It's not us following you, it's us considering what we did not consider before."

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