20 : Misunderstandings

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You pushed Naoya off, unfortunately too late for Satoru to see. 

"What are you doing!?" You said, Naoya raising an eyebrow in response. "What? I thought you wanted it." He said bluntly, and you furrowed your eyebrows, frustrated with how he was so blunt, and couldn't bother to ask you what you felt.

"Why didn't you just ask, Naoya??" You said, your heart pounding in your ears from how angry you were at him, hurt as well. "I don't get it, I thought you didn't like me." You said, holding your forehead in your hand and Naoya laughed in frustration.

"Hah.... What?? I thought I made it OBVIOUS that I liked you." Naoya grew frustrated with your dullness, your mind was too busy being occupied with Satoru.

"So you don't like me?"

"No! I like someone else."

He paused, "And who is that?"

You sighed, "That's none of your business, Naoya." You went to grab your things, his presence following you.

"Y/N, don't you realize how perfect we are for each other?" He said under his breath, only you being able to hear what he said.

"I don't like you like that, Zenin." You spoke sternly, as you grabbed your bag, setting your drink down.

"Huh?" He spoke, you could sense him getting angrier, "What's with the formalities now?" He was desperate for you, if Gojo Satoru were to have you, he'd go ballistic.

You didn't respond, as you gave him one last disappointed and angry look as you walked off, and he clenched his fist.

He was done bargaining with you, he'd get you one way or another, and he didn't care if you liked it.

'She'll like me eventually, when options have ran out.'

He sighed, sitting down, rubbing his temples. Laughing to himself in frustration as he muttered under his breath, "Shouldn't have drank so much."

You walked out, going to the bathroom to clean your mouth and reapplied your lipstick, you didn't want his lip particles on yours. You then went to search for Satoru, he was most likely in the general area, is what you thought as you descended the stairs. 

You searched everywhere, no sight of him. Then you called him, he wasn't picking up. You got a bit worried, then you called Suguru, if anyone knew were Satoru was, it was Suguru.

"Whats up?" He spoke through your phone.

"Hey Suguru, have you by any chance seen Satoru anywhere? He left our section to get some snacks."

"Oh? Nope, me, Shoko, Nanami, Haibara and Ijichi have been hanging out in a seperate area from the general one. Why? What's wrong?"

"I can't find him... He hasn't come back, and when I looked in the general area, he wasn't there."

"That's weird... I'll call him for you, alright?"

"I tried calling before, but he wouldn't pick up, it was ringing... I don't know if I did something wrong or what... but thank you! Let me know how it goes, okay?"

"Yupp!" He hung up, and your worries slowly grew as you bit your lip, Satoru was very responsive to you, stayed close to you and responded to you quickly. This wasn't like him, was something wrong?

You sighed as you sat on one of the couches, biting the inside of your cheek, fuming at Naoya for what he had done. If only you knew he was the reason that Satoru left.

You sighed as your stomach turned and twisted, tapping your heels rapidly against the floor, anxious. Your phone rang, and you quickly picked it up. Best case, Satoru, 2nd best, Suguru.

It was Suguru, you quickly picked up the phone.


"Hey, Y/N." He spoke, he sighed, "I couldn't find Satoru either."

Your heart dropped and the feeling in your stomach got even worse, something was wrong.

"Don't worry, Y/N, I'm sure he's fine. Maybe his phone's battery died?"

No, that wasn't it, if it died, it wouldn't go to ringing.

You sighed though, keeping composure as you agreed with him, just to not annoy him or make him panic.

"Yeah, thank you Suguru..." You said, as you said goodbye, then he did as well, and you hung up.

You got up, walking outside, it was pouring now. The loud sound of the rain hitting the ground ringing in your ears as you looked at the body guards standing outside. You went up to one of them, "Excuse me?" He turned to look at you, "Yes, ma'am?"

"Have you seen Gojo Satoru? He has white hair, blue eyes, tall...?"

The guard nodded, "Yes, he left a moment ago."

You bit your lip, why did he leave? What happened?

The idea that popped into your head was one you really wanted to be false.

He saw Naoya kissing you.

You shook your head, then looked back at the bodyguard, "Do you know where he went?"

He nodded again, as he spoke, "Yes, he continued down that path until I couldn't see him anymore."

You nodded, giving him a short bow and saying thank you, before you went back inside, getting a coat you brought. You were well prepared.

The bottom of your dress  wouldn't have been spared, however, but you didn't care, your heart had been continuously beating in your ears for the past 10 to 20 minutes. You rushed outside, trying to quickly walk in the pouring rain, but the fact that you were walking in your dress and heels made it a bit hard.

"God...it was easier for you, wasn't it? You have your infinity." You muttered as you squinted and continued ahead, when you saw a figure sitting down in one of the bus stops. Was that him? The rain made it hard to see. You got closer, but it wasn't him, it was some guy around your age.

You felt awkward to ask, but you did anyway, "Excuse me?" He lifted up his head to look at you with swollen eyes from crying, "Yeah?" He asked in a shaky voice.

You felt bad now.

"I'm sorry, but um, have you seen a guy with white hair go by? He has blue eyes, he's tall, wearing a navy blue suit..?" The guy nodded, "Yeah, he was sitting here for a bit, then..." He turned to look further down the path, "He went there... Why?"

"Thank you, I'm looking for him.." He chuckled, "Why? Are you his girlfriend?"

You blushed, "No-"

"You wanna be?"

"Well... yeah."

"God.." He started crying more, "ONLY THING MY GIRL CHASED AFTER... WAS MY MONEYYY...." He started crying more and you felt a bit bad, so you gave him some candy stored away in your coat, and apologized and continued walking, embarrassed and feeling guilty.

You sped up, as the path was now covered in dense foliage which blocked off the rain, you shivered from the cold, when you suddenly saw something.

A figure with white hair, wearing a navy blue suit, and who was tall.

You smiled, before you sighed and got frustrated from how wet you were and yelled out, "Why did you go so far, Satoru?!"

He turned around quickly, surprised.


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