08 : Friends

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The next day, an energized Y/N woke up, determined to make Gojo Satoru fall for her, not knowing he already had.

She woke up an hour or two earlier than usual, and put such care into herself that it surprised her. She spent the extra time showering, then carefully selecting and doing her hair, makeup, skincare, etc. 

She had a magazine that featured different types of hairstyles acceptable for school but still looked cute. She picked her favourite and then got to the painstaking work of replicating the hairstyle.

50 years later...she finally finished!

"FINALLY!" She got up from her chair, standing in front of the mirror. She turned her head and took another mirror to take a look at the back. 


She smiled widely as she looked at the mirror, then put on some very subtle makeup then rushed out. Despite waking up early, she still was on the verge of being late. She ran to her class, and sat in her chair, panting. Her hair was still in good shape, as she made sure nothing affected it. Nanami and Haibara looked at her, Haibara spoke, "Hey Y/N! Second day of Jujutsu High for you!! How are you settling in?" He had this wide, accepting and soft smile on him. Such an uplifting guy, with a positive impact on everyone.

"Oh, uh, good! Do you know what we're doing today in class?" Y/N spoke, smiling back at him.

Nanami spoke up, "I believe we are discussing the importance of maintaining cursed energy and how to efficiently use it."

Nanami was a more tough shell to crack, seemingly cold on the outside, but warm inside for those who he considered friends. Y/N thought she was making progress though, as he seemed more open to talking with her today. Yesterday, he was more shut off, but in just one day, he started to open up to her.

That was the magic of Fujiwara Y/N. Unknowing to this trait of her own, people easily trusted her, it was easy to respect her and become friends with her. Was it because of how she looked? How she spoke to others? How she behaved? A mix of all, but what also heavily weighed in is her high status in Jujutsu society. She was not aware of just how much she was respected, as these days were her first with interacting with other sorcerers her age that wasn't from her clan. She had limited interaction with sorcerers from other clans, so she never got to know them well.

If you were to ask people from all different areas and backgrounds in Jujutsu High, and moreover Jujutsu Society, these would be the responses:


"I heard she's the future head of the Fujiwara clan, so she must be quite responsible!" - A student.

"They call her the prodigy of the Fujiwara clan. Her powers are incredible, I want to see her fight a curse, I'm eager for the Kyoto Sister-School Exchange event to take place soon." - A high-ranking person in Jujutsu Society.

"I've heard her cursed energy output is equal to or near the levels of Gojo Satoru, she must be an interesting person to fight!" - A student from Kyoto's Jujutsu High.

"The Goddess of Jujutsu... What a prestigious name. It's well deserved, as she can easily beat and scale up to our strongest sorcerers." A high-ranking person in Jujutsu Society.

"I've heard that despite her only being a first-year, she teaches other sorcerers, younger and older, how to fight better. I wanna be her student!" - An incoming student for Jujutsu High, will be a first year when Y/N is a third year.

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