101: Five Thirty

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Your eyes slowly opened, your head buried in Satoru's chest. A ray of sunshine shining on you both. His arms were wrapped around you, holding you close to him. You felt his chest heave up and down slowly in a steady pace.  He was still asleep. 

You wanted to stay there, in his arms, but that couldn't happen. You had to wake up now, both you and him. After all, you had a flight! You quietly yawned, slipping out of his arms as gently as you could, but he still woke up.

"Hmm..?" He hummed, opening his eyes slightly. "What's the time...?" He yawned, sitting up.

You looked at the digital clock on the night stand, it was 9:30 am.

"9:30, we should wake up now..." You said as you stood up, stretching. You walked over to the bathroom, brushing your teeth. Today was a much awaited day for you both, you're going to finally go on a trip together! All alone!

Today was a day you'd definitely remember, you were just so excited.

October 1, 2012. (if that's your birthday, congrats babes, i'd recommend changing the date of this trip then to like september or idk LMFAO, cause the writing doesnt suit a birthday y/n).

You were 22 (or turning 22), and Satoru was turning 23. You two had taken a few weeks off your jobs so that you could travel there.


Paris! And from there, a big tour of Europe! Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, all the countries you two wanted to go to!

Satoru really wanted to take you to Europe, and you happily agreed.

He got out of bed as soon as you left the bathroom, him going in next. You two were now living together, you moved in with him soon after you had graduated from Jujutsu High. That was about... four to five years ago!

Your parents and his knew you were together, but decided to keep it a secret for now. Until you two were to... take it a step further. While two strong sorcerers being together was certainly great in terms of having a child... the differences in between how the families would function since Y/N and Satoru were each heirs to their families... plus any assassination attempts which could begin to rise again would cause lots of trouble. They wanted to give you both time to plan, to think.

This trip followed months of exhaustive work. Both you and Satoru had been getting tired from mission after mission. Sometimes, you two would go weeks without seeing each other due to missions. This trip was much needed.

You made breakfast for both you and him while he showered. Soon enough, he was out and ready to eat with you. 

"Thank you, darling~" He hummed, giving you a kiss on the cheek as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His cold, damp hair touched your face and you shuddered a bit. "How do you even shower in such cold water...?" You asked, chuckling. He shrugged, smiling. "I dunno... It's refreshing!" He said as he stretched, grabbing some plates and setting up the table.

Now that you were done, you put the food on the plate (whether that be eggs or pancakes idk girl u decide) and you two began to eat. "I loveee your cooking baby, it's so nice!" He said enthusiastically, which gave you an ego boost. He was quite fond of your cooking. "Thank youu," you said, shyly. Despite having been together for so long now, you always got shy when he complimented you. It was like you never got over that crush phase one would have with their boyfriend or spouse. You found yourself fangirling over the things he'd do, getting shy when he'd compliment you, you never got used to it all. He liked it so much as well, it felt like the love between you two was so fresh, as if you two were still in high school, going on your first date.

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