23 : Dryers

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You and Satoru held hands as you walked back, his infinity slowly disrupting once again, he wasn't used to keeping it controlled so precisely for this long. A few raindrops reached you, and he clicked his tongue, not wanting to you get even more wet after you walked so long.

He smiled, having an idea.

"Don't get freaked out, there are no curses I'm trying to kill." He spoke softly, and you raised your eyebrow. He raised his finger, and a small blue orb appeared.

"Blue?" You spoke, confused, and then realized what he was trying to do.

He chuckled, "Since it's small... I can keep it going for a while!" He said, excited, and then spoke again, "And it's not strong enough to drag you, only the rain." So, a blue orb remained above you, a distance large enough from you so that strands of your hair wouldn't get dragged in.

And, using blue worked, keeping rain away, and he could keep it up until you two reached the entrance to the Banquet hall, where it disappeared. You went up the stairs to the doors, but didn't enter them. It was slightly elevated, so your height was now above Satoru, who stood back. You turned around, confused. "Satoru? Won't you come?"

"Well, don't you want it to be a secret...?" He said, chuckling. You sighed, smiling. He spoke again, "It'll be obvious if I come in with you... no?" He smiled, and you didn't know what to think. You looked at him for a while, as he put one of his legs higher up on the stairs, bending down to put his elbow and the other arm's forearm on his raised leg's, his chin on his palm as he looked at you. Almost pleading with you with his eyes to say, 'Satoru, it's okay. We'll tell everybody!'

You chuckled, but then noticed that your lipstick left a mark on his lips and some of the skin surrounding him. A smudge of lipstick as you two pulled away. 

You must've been really into it.

You only noticed the lipstick now because of the better lighting. You giggled, coming up to him, he was still in the same position, caught by surprise when you put your finger on his lips, wiping off the lipstick. He blushed, his eyes widening, as his lips curled into a smile.

"Fine, 'Toru..." You spoke, as you wiped the last bit of it away, blending it into his skin so it wasn't obvious. "Don't go around telling everybody though.. Only our friends... okay?" And he nodded, smiling.

He got up, walking with you inside, and right as you entered, he took your hand in his. He wanted to scream, "SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" But, he held it in.

Then, to his surprise, you held his hand tighter, smiling at him.

Before you dragged him to the bathroom.

"Waa..." He was confused. And then he noticed how you two were going to the private bathroom, that only one person could go in at a time. He blushed, prepping himself on the way. Thinking it was something else.

'Okay... it's time. Yes, you did ideally want to wait a bit longer... But... We can do this, we can do this. Oh my god I'm so ready to-'

"'Toru, you okay?" You said, and he realized you two were now inside the bathroom, and the door was locked.


"YUP!" He spoke, obviously not okay as his whole face was red.

You raised an eyebrow, chuckling as you spoke. "Why do you think we're here..?"

He scratched the back of his neck, swallowing the lump forming in his throat, "Uh... To Fu....fun.. Have fun...?"

You laughed, shaking your head, "No, Satoru, we're here to dry my clothes off. They're still not fully dried."


"Oh, right... Yes, that's what I thought... drying clothes will be fun!"

You gave him a confused expression for a second, before shrugging it off, and taking off your coat, drying it and then handing it to Satoru. "Okay... Should I use the dryer or the paper towel to dry my dress?" You asked him, and he thought for a moment. "Paper towel would be easier to start with, so, that! Then dryer." You nodded in agreement and started.

Don't ask how you got the dryer to dry the bottom half of the dress despite being far up.

Or do, I'll tell you right now.

"'Toru, how do I get to the dryer...?" You thought, the sink wasn't close enough to just sit on that, and you could just lift your leg up cause that could rip the dress OR could have it run up. He thought, thinking about an idea, before smiling once again at the thought of another idea.

He set your coat aside, putting it some place it wouldn't get dirty or wet, before he picked you up. "HUH?" You said, confused. He was holding you like men hold their brides, due to his height, your legs were at a perfect height for the dryer to dry them. He pressed the button to turn it on (its the type of dryer u press a button to operate, and then it dries for some time, then automatically ends, then u gotta press again, etc.).

You blushed, looking up at him, feeling embarrassed, raising your hands to cover your face, which he adored.

He would bend down every so often to kiss your forehead, before you two just started talking.

Eventually, it dried off. Mission accomplished! And this only took 25 minutes in total! He was pretty strong for holding you up for half the total time.

He set you down, and you patted yourself down before picking up your coat and touching up on your hair. It had also dried off with the combination of Satoru's infinity, blue, and the dryer.

You two walked out, and were talking about how to tell your friends, when an announcement was heard, calling people to the hall where the higherups of Jujutsu Society, principals of the school, etc., would talk. On the way, you saw all of your and Satoru's friends leaving an area, where you both cornered them, going back to where they were coming from, bringing them with you. You two didn't want anybody else hearing.

"So... why did you bring us here?" Nanami asked, and you smiled and looked at Satoru. He had rehearsed what he'd say in his mind.

He inhaled, pausing for a moment before he spoke.


Nanami and Haibara were shocked, Nanami not expecting you to fall in love and become the girlfriend of Gojo Satoru. Haibara just shocked in general. Geto was also surprised, but was happy. Shoko wasn't shocked unlike the rest, smiling as she was happy for you both.

That rehearsing he did didn't even matter, because in the end, he just said what he wanted to. He grabbed your hand, and looked at them with an ecstatic expression plastered on his face.


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