35 : Open Door

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You rushed around, cleaning up your room frantically, spraying a nice scent to make your room smell nicer. You then rummaged through your closet to get some nice clothes, putting on nice pjs before you heard a knock on the door.

You got excited, running to it, opening it with a wide smile.

Your teacher stood there, smiling. She was here to do the daily check in.

Your smile half-dropped, you liked your teacher, but... not who you were hoping for.

"Y/NN, you seem.. more ready to go out than stay in.." She chuckled, peeking behind you to see a clean room. 

"Oh, well, this is all because um... I got tired of having a messy room.. so yeah." You chuckled, and she smiled, nodding.

"Okay, well my business is just to make sure you're okay and in here, so, I'll leave you to it. Have a good night, Y/N!" She smiled, waving as she left. You nodded, waving to her as she left, "Have a good night, Ms. Kanei!" 

You shut the door, sighing in relief. You ran to your bathroom, doing your skin care routine, and then you waited.

And waited.

And waited...

An hour had passed (it was actually half an hour but it felt like an hour), you scoffed as you got up, clicking your tongue as you shook your head. You picked up your phone, already having called him. You groaned, you put on some slippers, deciding to go see what he was doing. You opened your door slowly, peeking your head out, scanning the area to see if any teachers were there.

You practically tip-toed out of your dorm, shut the door quietly, and went to his dorm like a spy. You saw that his door was wide open, "Huh? He would know to at least close his door..." You mumbled as you went to his dorm, checking inside. No sign of him, when all of a sudden, you heard the voice of a teacher outside. 

"Don't do this again, Satoru. Otherwise there will be a punishment, this was just a warning."

"Okayy, I won't." You heard him say.

'SHITT, HE GOT CAUGHT. I GOTTA HIDEE' You panicked, quickly going inside his closet and shutting the door. The small gap between the two doors were enough for you to see outside.

You saw Satoru sigh as he stepped in his room, the teacher outside the door, shaking his head, it was Yaga.

"You're lucky I'm tired right now." He mumbled as he closed Satoru's door, yelling from outside, "YOU BETTER STAY IN YOUR DORM!"

You heard Satoru groan in response, plopping down on his bed. He mumbled, "Y/N's gonna be so mad at meee..." He sighed, calling you. Your phone rang, from inside his closet.

"Huh-" He looked right at the closet, chuckling. "I guess I was too preoccupied with Yaga scolding me to not see you with my Six Eyes." He chuckled as he stepped closer to his closet, opening the doors with both his hands.

"Hey baby," he whispered as he leaned in and kissed your cheek. "Wanna explain how you got in my closet..?" He laughed, moving one of his arms to make way for you to leave the closet. You laughed, stepping out, slightly embarrassed.

"Welll, after you didn't come for SOO LONG, I decided, let me go check myself. Then I saw how your dorm was wide open and checked inside and then I heard Yaga outside andd, yeah.." He smiled, laughing as he closed his closet doors. "I guess in the end it worked out then," he smiled as he sat down on a small couch which he had. "I was excited to spend time in your room... we've already been in mine. Well, not my dorm one, the one in my house." He mumbled near the end as he leaned back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah... it would have been nice." You said, sighing, a bit upset that all your hardwork was wasted, all that cleaning and setting up everything.

"Unlesss..." He said, smirking as he looked at you, "We go back... secretly-"

"Yaga's probably waiting RIGHT outside..." You said, unsure of if you two should leave the dorm.

Satoru chuckled, "Don't worry, he doesn't have the patience for that." He got up, opening his door just enough to peek outside. He looked back at you, "All good outside, wanna go?" He spoke in practically a whisper, you giggled in excitement. You sat there, contemplating, then decided to risk it.

He smirked as you walked behind him. You two walked out, quietly shutting the door. Satoru using his Six Eyes to be on the watch out. Like spies, you made your way back to your dorm. You opened the door to your room, quickly rushing in, laughing as soon as you and Satoru were in and had shut the door. 

He laughed, "That made me nervous..." He said, giving a sigh of relief as he looked at your room, taking in that nice scent you had just sprayed prior.

"Someone prepped~" He teased, looking back at you, smirking. He liked that though, he saw a blush take over your face as you became flustered. He chuckled, sitting on your bed. 

"Welll, not that muchhh..." You said, clearly lying. You sat beside him, then laid down on the bed.

"I'm tired now..." You said, lifting up your arm to fall above your forehead. Satoru also laid back, laying beside you. He turned to face you, "Already? I had so much planned for us..." He whispered in a sultry voice, smirking. 

Your face felt like allll of your blood had rushed to it, and Satoru enjoyed the sight of a flustered you.

He leaned in, kissing your cheek.

"What do you wanna do?" You managed to say, somehow, very quietly.

"You." Is what he WANTED to say, wanting to tease you even further, but he didnt... for your sake.

"Well, hmm, not much to do in dorms...is there..." He said, thinking. "We can talk... get some food... sleep... cuddle..." He mumbled the last one, loud enough for you to hear though.

You chuckled, smiling, liking all the options. 

"Let's do all, then." You said, and he smiled, "Yeah?"

"Yeah!" You said, excited.

He chuckled, "So, then... what to talk about..." He thought, looking deep in your eyes.

You looked at him, shrugging, before remembering something.

"You told me Zenin- I mean, Fushiguro had told you about his son... like when you came back from the mission..." You adjusted yourself to be more comfortable, laying on your side to face him. "It's been a few months now... what are you gonna do?" 

He thought for a moment, gently brushing your cheeks with the back of his fingers, before softly speaking. "I'm gonna wait a few more months, then I'll go to him. In my third year, y'know..."

You nodded, smiling, and you two continued to talk.

Soon enough, he was spooning you and you guys talked about anything and everything, before slowly drifting off to sleep. He gave you a few light kisses before you both dozed off to sleep, a smile on both your faces.

That smile wouldn't remain forever, though.

Nothing does.

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