106: Uneasiness

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Shoko held the documents in her hand, beginning to read the minutes out for you and Satoru to hear.

"These documents put Naoya under the name of "Anonymous," but we know who this guy is..."


"You all understand and value the importance of Fujiwara Y/N and Gojo Satoru to the Jujutsu world, correct?"

A higher up spoke, higher up A. "Yes."

"Currently, both Fujiwara and Gojo tend to their duties properly due to them not having any major distractions... The wedding and their relationship will distract both of them, and they'll be less inclined to pursue more dangerous missions. Anyone would do that as soon as they are married, especially if they end up having a child."

Higher up A replied, "No curse or special grade mission has, so far, been dangerous to them. It's like a special grade fighting a grade 4 curse, they're on another level."

Another higherup spoke, higher up B. "I don't think your argument is viable, Zenin."

"Take Tsukumo Yuki as an example. She has different interests, and wants to tend to them. Her priority is not her missions, rather, she only takes them whenever she pleases."

The higher ups stayed silent for a moment, processing what he said.

"We can apply this to Gojo Satoru and Fujiwara Y/N, they will each be much more interested in their relationship and family, not as willing to go on missions."

Naoya paused for a moment, waiting for any rebuttal.


He smiled, continuing to speak.

"Another important point which none of you should overlook is how hard Gojo and Fujiwara are to control already. They have lots of influence, and so, they are less inclined to listen to you all already."

The higherups agreed, higher up C spoke. "Yes... They barely listen to us."

"If they were to get married, that would be an official alliance between the two. Their power over you all would increase as their influence would increase even more over the Jujutsu world. Take the case of Fushiguro Tsumiki and Megumi, you all would not have given as much funds for them if Gojo or Fujiwara showed up alone... But, since they appeared together, their strength over you all increased, and they got much more funds."

The atmosphere in the room became tense as the higher ups began to consider his words, his ideas had gotten into their minds. It was exactly what Naoya wanted. He smiled, waiting for their response.

Higher up D spoke, "We'll take your words into consideration, and let you know about our final decision in a few days."

He nodded, bowing to them, and then walked out.


The meeting minutes stopped there.

You shuddered, sighing as you held your head in your hands. Satoru was angry, enraged at the audacity which Naoya had. He knew he couldn't do what he wanted to, kill Naoya, kill the higher ups, and marry you. He couldn't do that, nothing would work out.

Satoru rubbed your back, patting your back as he began to speak.

"Thank you, Shoko, for letting us know..."

Shoko sighed, shaking her head in disapproval. "I can't believe Naoya would be like this... I know he had a huge crush on you, Y/N, but... I didn't know he was like this. That he'd be willing to go this far."

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