16 : Obsessed

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She got up, confused, as your eyes followed her every movement. 

"Ugh...how'd I even... Whatever." She said as she proceeded to dust herself off and looked at Satoru. She was a little shorter than you, so you had to look somewhat down at her. A jealousy, or rather, anger took over you as you examined her features.

Satoru spoke, in that same annoyed tone. "What do you want, Aiko?" (SORRY IF ANY OF U ARE NAMED AIKO!)

She chuckled awkwardly as she looked at him, giving an annoyed glance at you before she looked back at him. "I thought about what you said... and it just doesn't make sense!" She whined as she threw up her hands. "You said you liked me! Even now you said you liked me! How can you not-"

He scoffed, "Are you deaf, brat? I said like, not love. I liked you like a friend, you're cool, and that's it! I do NOT love you, I do not want to be together with you, and I do not wanna go on another date. Do you not get it?" He spoke in an extremely annoyed tone as he crossed his arms and sighed, rubbing his temples. He muttered, "Accepting the blind date from Suguru was a mistake..." She looked hurt, but can you blame Satoru..?

While you would hate to admit it, you enjoyed that sight. And you were relishing in the fact that she was nothing but a girl who's heartbroken over the fact that she's been rejected. She's in her denial phase. 

You were glad you trusted him in having a reason for holding your hand.

"If you don't love me, then who?? You seemed so into me." Aiko spoke, annoyed, throwing more glances at you. 

He paused for a brief moment, quickly taking a look at you and then back at her, shaking his head. "That isn't your business."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Is it her?" She said as she pointed at you, looking at you with a disgusted look. "If it is, did you drop your standards extremely low or like...what?" She said, as she looked back at him, her finger still pointing at you. She took a look up and down at you, her eyebrows furrowing.

Meanwhile you stood there, surprised by how bold, or how ill-mannered she was. Did you wanna stoop down to her level? Or...

Who gives a shit.

You raised your hand before giving her a hard slap, secretly infusing your cursed energy which made it more painful.

Your cursed energy was different, it felt extremely cold and gave her the horrible pain which you would receive from your skin freezing as you slapped her. It was only for a brief moment, as you made sure not to infuse too much, but she really annoyed you. Who was she to talk like that?

((Like Hakari's cursed energy, your energy is more rough, similar to ice. Depending on the amount of cursed energy, it can feel like the victim is freezing (which is really painful), or it can even go to the extent of feeling like they're getting impaled by spikes of ice.))

"WHAT THE FUCK..." She yelled out as she moved her hand to hold her cheek, a red mark where you slapped her. She looked at you as her eyebrows furrowed, Satoru shocked on the side. Not expecting you to slap her, a small smile forming on his face as he looked away.

"I don't really care about your situation with Satoru," That was a lie, but you continued, "But you can't talk shit about me just cause you got rejected." You sighed, looking her up and down as well. Who was she to talk about you? A nobody.

You looked back at Satoru, "Listen, I'll wait there, you guys can finish your conversation...okay?" You said, quickly moving past him and he nodded. You did choose a tactical spot, it was a bench that wasn't far, yet it was not in a close distance. However, it was close enough to them that you could hear their conversation. You didn't wanna be left in the dark again.

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