109: About Love

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"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

You smiled at Satoru as he sat opposite to you, staring intently at you, waiting for your reaction. He had made your favorite food, dying for you to try it. He wanted to impress you. "Well, go on! Tell me how it tastes." He said, anxiously waiting for your approval. You chuckled, nodding. "I'm sure it's amazing!" You said, and took a bite.

He watched your expression, trying to see if any hint of disapproval appeared. But no change, a small smile did appear on your face though. He didn't know what that meant, an "Aw, he tried" type of expression? Or is it a "This actually tastes good!" type of expression? 

You began to nod, looking at him. "It's really good!" Satoru raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Are you sure? Is it really?" You nodded, you weren't lying. It really was good.

He sighed, chuckling in relief. He excitedly got up and made his own plate, and began eating with you.

You two didn't talk much that dinner.

You two did share little moments though.

Peeking at each other at the same time, a small smile appearing on both your faces, then a wide one.

Little moments like these which made your day.

"When you find that one that's right for you, you feel like they were put there for you, you never want to be apart."

"Nooo," you whined, a big frown on your face. "Why is your mission so long..." You said, sighing. He frowned, "I know, darling... It's okay, though! I'll be back before you know it!" You shook your head, upset. "It's like... two weeks..." He sighed, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Lots of special grades popping up... I need to go to multiple cities. From here to Nagano, then Niigata, Sendai, Aomori, Sapporo and then I'll be back."

You frowned, "You're going to be so exhausted by all the travel..."

He chuckled, "It's okay. I'll call you while I'm travelling, that way it'll feel like... I never even went!"

You smiled softly, nodding. 

"Okayy... You better call me EVERY DAY though!"

He reassured you, "I will! I will!"

"Life is the flower for which love is the honey."

You sat in the car, it was 3 pm. You and Satoru decided to go out. He wanted to go out with you, desperately. You two had a few days off without any missions or work to do, so you agreed.

Whenever you asked him where you two were going, he'd shrug. "Somewhere..." He'd smirk, and then would continue to drive. You two were out of Tokyo, driving to the west. The area was more rural, seeing all the nature was nice! Tokyo was always filled with buildings, not a ton of forests. A nice change of pace. 

You tried to guess where you were going, but you couldn't figure it out.

He smiled at you, holding your hand. "We're almost there~"

"Almost where?~"

He pondered for a moment, deciding whether or not to tell you.

"Just wait, baby." He said with a big smile. You chuckled, sighing, deciding to just close your eyes and rest.

. . .

"Baby, wake up. Babyy~" You slowly opened your eyes, the car was parked. You looked around, and he gave you a wide smile. 

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