113: Ice Cream

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"Do you two like this design for the cake? And the flavors?"

"It's perfect!"

. . . 

"Is this the invitation design you'd like?"

"Yes... it's amazing!"

. . . 

"How do you two like this color palette for the decorations?"

"That's beautiful! Thank you."

. . .

An exhausting day of running around, making confirmations with different vendors. You and him were to now separate and do other tasks...

Yours... the biggest one... the wedding gown!

Shoko was waiting outside for you in her car, your mother sitting in the back.

You smiled widely, chuckling as you ran up to the car and sat inside.

"Hello, Mrs. Gojo!" Shoko said, teasing you. Your mother chuckled from behind as you blushed, flustered by the way they were acting.

Your mother spoke, "Are you really going to be Mrs. Gojo? Oh, but you're the clan head!"

"Well... that's another topic... I was thinking I could go under Gojo... Yes..." 

(legally, married couples in Japan, except foreigners, must have the same surname.)

"Oh, but what about our clan?"

"Mom... I think we can discuss this later with you and Dad... and Satoru's parents too."

She nodded, sighing. She clapped her hands together, "Oh, well... you're right, that's for another time! Right now.. time for your wedding dress!"

Shoko laughed, starting the car as she sped up, quickly driving to the bridal shop.

You three arrived, and quickly rushed inside.

And so, the draining process of trying on practically every gown started... When, around an hour later... You came across the perfect one.

(now, i don't want to give any ideas, no pictures or anything. it is YOUR guys' weddings, and everyone has a different dream dress!!)

You looked at yourself in the mirror.

A smile started to spread across your face as you turned to look at your mom and Shoko, who looked shocked.

"Amazing!" Shoko yelled.

"That suits you so well... You NEED to get this one, Y/N!" Your mom said, excited as she stood up and walked to you, examining the dress.

"Oh, it's perfect!"

You giggled as you nodded, looking at the employees.

"This one is perfect! I'll get this, please."

They nodded, running over to get the bills and everything ready.

The employee came up to you, showing you the price.

4,000,000 Yen. ($25,000)

You bought it.

Why wouldn't you?

You're rich, and...

Every girl wishes for her dream wedding!


You were now on your way back, done all the other tasks. It began to rain, it was humid outside. June. You wanted your wedding in the spring, so almost a year later. Tons of planning had to be done, and you wanted to secure your vendors way before. You two needed to make sure everything was going to be perfect.

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