25 : The Night

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Gojo's POV!

Y/N and I dropped our best friends off at their car which takes them directly to Jujutsu High, we both had to go to our own residences though for tonight and tomorrow. Then, we'd go to Jujutsu High the day after tomorrow. A day off! I'd want to spend it with Suguru, Shoko, Nanami and Haibara, but.. This would be an excellent time to hang out with Y/N.

I looked over at her as she got in her car, and I bit the inside of my cheek as I wondered what to do. Should I maybe invite her to spend the night with me..? Like a sleepover! Nothing else...

But again, she has no comfortable clothes. She could borrow mine for the night, but I doubt she'd want to go outside in them as well. 

(But she would!! I think..)

I then remembered, her house is on the way to mine, we could stop at hers to pick up her toothbrush and clothes, and then head to mine. Yes!! PERFECT PLAN!

I ran over to her car and knocked on her dad's window, not hers because... in the end it would be her dad that might not let her come.

"Mr. Fujiwara!" I bowed, full 90 degree bow. I needed to suck up to him for this to work, I mean, which dad would let their DAUGHTER sleep over at a GUY's house?

"Hello, Satoru, we haven't seen you in a while." Her dad said, smiling. "How are you?" I smiled at him, "Oh, I'm doing well! What about you, I haven't talked with you in a while."

"Oh, I'm good, thank you. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked, and Satoru took in a deep breath. "I was wondering if me and Y/N could hang out.. over at my place. I recently bought a new game that both she and I wanted to play for a while! And.. school... so stressful... And as both of us have complex techniques, we wanted to do some practice!" I said, pleading my case. I glanced at her, and I could see her blushing in the back seat. Her dad scrunched up his eyebrows slightly, "I mean... she doesn't even have her casual clothes or anything-" 

"Oh, your house is on the way! She could pick up her clothes and toothbrush from there!" He said enthusiastically, her dad scrunched his eyebrows more as he looked ahead. I could tell he was figuring out how to stop her from going. But, suddenly his expressions relaxed and he sighed. "Alright, go... BE GOOD!" He said loudly as she got out the car, smiling and thanking her dad. She smiled at me, and we headed to my car. "How'd you even convince him...?" She said, her voice was cute as hell for no reason. She has no business being that cute... I mean, what if other guys fall for her??

I smiled, "I don't know.." I beamed however, with pride, that I managed to convince him. I opened the door to my car, gesturing to her to sit inside, just like that first time we went out. But, we weren't really dating, that was more hanging out but... I'm counting it as a date.

She sat inside, and I hurriedly made my way to the other side of the car, sitting inside. "So..." I said, smirking as I scooched closer to her, and noticed how her cheeks got a little bit more red. Adorable.

"Do you wanna get something to eat on the way?" I smiled, "Ice cream, chips, anything?"

"Huh? Well...hmm... I want (whatever u want)"

"Alright!" I then told my driver to stop by the convenience store so we could buy it, and then the car started. We picked up her things from her home, stopped at the convenience store to get (what u wanted), and then arrived at my house.

"You could stay in the guest room... but that's not close to my room. My.. area thingy, I can sleep outside and you can sleep in my bed or..." I smirked, thinking of both of us sleeping in the same bed, "Or we can do whatever you think is best." I said, as we walked to the main door and as we carried her things.

She thought for a moment, "I can sleep outside and you can sleep in your bed-"

"NO, Y/N, I'm not letting you sleep on a couch." I said, I mean, we're boyfriend girlfriend now! Don't you get what I'm tryna hint at-

"Then we can both sleep in the bed."


I stopped walking as my cheeks got hotter, did she really just say it so bluntly.

"In the same bed..?" I clarified, raising an eyebrow, and she nodded as she looked at me, confused. "Why did you stop there? Let's go in." She walked towards the door and I smiled widely, as I caught up. On the way to my room and living room, I clarified again and again, to which she'd nod, again and again. 

This continued until she yelled, "YES! SATORU! IN YOUR BED, WE BOTH SLEEP IN YOUR BED! STOP ASKING ME AGAIN AND AGAIN" Luckily we were in my area thingy (guys i forgot the word for it, if you know PLEASE tell me i need help, i'll remember it eventually), so nobody else heard us. If they did, that would've not been fun.

She huffed as she placed her things on the floor as she sat down with her legs crossed on the couch, still in her dress and jacket. 

That was oddly hot.

She took off her jacket, putting it on the couch as she laid back, tired. She ran her hand through her hair as she sighed, "The event was sooo boringg..." Then, she looked up at me and smiled, "You made it much better, 'Toru..." 


I chuckled as I went up to her, sitting down beside her and smiling. "You did too...." I moved a piece of hair out of the way and behind her ear before smirking. 

"I could make the rest of this night much better too."

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