104: Announcements

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"Finally..." Satoru yawned, your flight had just landed. You two got up, getting your bags and went into the airport. You two got your suitcases, and Satoru's driver was there, waiting for you both.

"Welcome back, Mr. Gojo and Ms. Fujiwara." He said, bowing and opening the door. 

"I think you could call her Mrs. Gojo soon." Satoru said and smirked, and the drivers head quickly shot up, looking at you two. "Really? Congratulations!" He smiled widely, and you thanked him, chuckling. You both got in the car as he drove you both back to your shared apartment. 

You unpacked your suitcases with Satoru, and then took a nap. You were exhausted. But, not before you made sure your ring was in a safe place. You were afraid it would somehow slip off while sleeping, or that it would get damaged. You took it off, placed it back in its velvet box, put it beside you on the nightstand, and then slept. 

Satoru, in the meantime, took a shower. He stepped out of the bathroom, a towel draped around his shoulders and he had some sweatpants on.

(if it wasn't clear already, i gave you guys eye candy? 🙄 he's shirtless doll (but ur asleep so... idk))

He chuckled, seeing you fast asleep. He walked to you, giving you a kiss on your forehead, a drop of water falling from his wet hair on your face. He quietly gasped, not wanting to disturb your sleep. Surprisingly, you didn't flinch or have any reaction, you were quickly in a deep sleep. He chuckled, wiping away the drop of water as he walked away, getting changed.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

You woke up from your nap, looking at the time. It was 5pm, so you had been sleeping for around 3 hours. You yawned, getting up. You walked to the lounge, where Satoru was sitting, watching TV. 

"Oh, you're up?" He smiled at you, he had the same sweatpants on (you wouldn't know though so..) and a black t-shirt on.

"Yuppp," You said, smiling at him. "You weren't tired?" You asked him as you went to the kitchen, grabbing a snack.

"Nah.. Also, remember~ Tomorrow's that dinner my family is hosting."

"Oh, right!" You nodded, sitting beside him. He wrapped his arm around you, "You wanna tell them tomorrow?" He said, smirking as he kissed your cheek. You giggled, nodding. "Yeah, I do..."

He nodded, smiling, "Me too..."

"What are you watching?"

"About this plane that disappeared."

"Right after we just had a flight?"

"Yup! That way it's like... 'Phew, I lived!'"

"Makes sense..."

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

It was the next day, you were rushing around, preparing for the dinner. You handed Satoru your clothes so he could iron them as you rushed to do your hair.

"Baby, don't worry so much," He said, chuckling.

"We're gonna announce our engagement! I need to look good.." You said, styling your hair.

"Alright then.." He said, getting back to ironing.

Soon enough, you had done your hair, put on some makeup, and put on your dress. You picked up a necklace from your jewelry box, the one Satoru had given you the night you and him first went out to eat with Megumi and Tsumiki. A beautiful diamond and gold/silver necklace. You smiled at it, walking to Satoru with it in your hands. 

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