108: Cursing and Curses

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(long wait... so long chapter)

You woke up to the sound of heavy rainfall, the rain drumming against your window loudly. Someone could've thought that it was hailing because of how loud it was. You felt Satoru's arms wrapped around you and his body pressed against yours, warming you up. You listened to his gentle breath, a whisper against the back of your ear.

You smiled, turning slowly to try and look at the time. 7:45am.

You sighed, relaxing. You closed your eyes again, trying to go back to sleep. You were almost about to fall asleep....and the bell rang. You groaned, slowly getting out of bed. Satoru's eyes slowly opened as he yawned, stretching his arms. "Who is it...? This early too..." He grumbled as he sat up. You sighed, shaking your head. "Don't worry, I'll get the door."

He nodded, sat up in case you might need him.

You walked over to the door, looking through the door viewer. It was Ijichi. 'A mission..?' You thought as you opened the door, smiling at him with sleepy eyes. "Good morning.... Ijichi." You said. He replied, "Good morning, Ms. Fujiwara." He bowed, and then stood back up. "Why are you here so early?" You asked, raising an eyebrow as you let him inside, not wanting your entire conversation to be heard from outside. "Hold on, let's go to the lounge..." You said, leading him inside.

Satoru now got up, hearing that it was Ijichi. He walked over, smiling. "Hey Ijichi... You ruined our cuddling time-" He paused as you shot him a look. "I mean... Welcome..." He said, chuckling. Ijichi bowed to him as well, standing up straight now. "Good morning, Mr. Gojo." Satoru walked over beside you, kissing you on the cheek as he walked over to the kitchen, getting some water. The kitchen was right beside the lounge, where you and Ijichi were now talking. Satoru was hearing your discussion as he practically chugged on his water.

"So, what's up? What did you want to tell me about?" You asked, sitting down now. Motioning for him to sit as well.

He sat down, sighing. "Uh... I needed to warn both you and Mr. Gojo. The higher-ups are planning to visit you two soon... They want you both to live separately."

Satoru practically slammed his cup down when he heard this, surprisingly it didn't break. "Oh, come on! What the hell is wrong with these geezers, they're all gonna die soon anyway. Why do they care so much..." He grumbled while approaching you and Ijichi, noticing the color draining from your face. The sight only fueled his anger towards the higher-ups, causing him to clench his fist tighter. "I should just kill them all." He sat down beside you, rubbing your back, giving you a kiss on your cheek. "Do you know when they'll come, Ijichi?" Satoru asked, sighing. "Tomorrow, or the next day..." He responded, looking down, feeling bad for the two of you.

"Thanks for letting us know... Do you know if they want official documents from us about our separate residences? If they're going to occasionally check up on us and make sure we're living separately?" Ijichi paused, thinking for a moment as he looked down at the coffee table infront of him. He looked back up, "I can find that out for you two, I'll call you and let you know as soon as I get the information." Satoru nodded, you as well. You spoke up, clearing your throat. "Thanks... Ijichi."

He gave you two a small smile, bowing, and then left the apartment. Satoru sighed and looked over at you. It was almost as if you had given up. He was infuriated at... basically the whole world.

"I'll be right back, baby." He said as he got up, giving you a small kiss and then walked over to your shared bedroom. He changed his clothes, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. You saw him about to leave, you perked up. "Where are you going, 'Toru?"

"I need to have a little chat... Don't worry, I'll be back." He said, giving you a smile. He walked over to you again, giving you another kiss before he left the apartment.

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