19 : Frozen In Time

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Satoru led you to a large group of people, Shoko stood there in a black dress, Haibara and Geto in a black suit, and Nanami in a gray suit with his hair styled. (Similar to present Nanami)

Satoru was in a navy blue suit with a button up underneath, and the first 2-3 buttons undone, his hair was styled differently thann it usually was. He looked AMAZING, and he knew it. 

In fact... Around two hours ago when he was putting on his suit...

Gojo's POV:

I buttoned up my shirt and put on my suit, I looked like some prim and proper boy... would Y/N like this? Do I look hot right now? Well, I always do, but I gotta look hotter.

I looked at myself in the mirror, taking off my sunglasses and running my hand through my hair, then I unbuttoned the first button.

"Ooh, looks better.." I said, then unbuttoned another, "DAMNN, I LOOK BETTER..." I then unbuttoned another, adjusting it a little to not show off TOO much, but show off. And I looked amazing.

"Y/N will like this for sure..." I then spotted some hair gel at the corner of my table, "Maybe I'll style my hair too for her..."


You blushed at the sight, but greeted everyone, before noticing two girls arrive.

One had blackish-purple hair, and the other a light pastel blue.

"SHOOKOOOOO!" The blackish purple haired girl said, running to Shoko and hugging her.

"Heyyy," Shoko said to her, "Utahime, you're squeezing mee..." Shoko said before she loosened her grip. "Oh, sorry!" Utahime said, before looking at you. "Ah! You must be the new first year I heard tons about!" She reached out her hand, which was slightly shaking.

"I'm Iori Utahime! And she's Mei Mei, a Grade 1 sorcerer!" She said, chuckling as she stepped back. You wondered why her hand was shaking, but brushed it aside as you introduced yourself and bowed to each, as they were your seniors. Utahime exclaimed, "OH! No need to be formal with me, haha," As you began to stand upright, she gave you a smile before excusing herself to go to the bathroom.

Mei Mei then stepped up, and you learned a lot about her, and especially about her outlook on her job and money.

Meanwhile, Utahime rushed to the bathroom, sweating as she breathed heavily.

'Why was her aura so strong...' She thought as she took deep breaths, 'It felt... murderous, like I was in danger...' She fixed her hair a little as she shrugged off the thoughts, reminding herself that you were like Satoru, someone gifted with extraordinary ability and skill, and a menacing aura was gonna be imminent with that power.

She came back, playing everything off as she slowly learned to ignore that aura, and began loosening up. Especially because she had a drink or two, and she was a lightweight.

It was now the time of the event where everyone broke off, and unfortunately you and Satoru couldn't have stayed any longer with the rest of your friends, as you moved to the most elite area. The Gojo, Zenin, Kamo and Fujiwara family were all there.

Naoya was in the corner of the room, a bit drunk as he saw you walk in with Satoru.

'Why the hell is she always with him? Fuck...'  He thought as he stood up, walking towards you as you and Satoru found a table for two, you got your mocktail and so did he. Neither of you wanted to drink right now.

Satoru's eyes wandered around your face and your body as you took a sip of your drink. He was so in love, he wanted to tell you so bad, but there was something in his mind just stopping him. To wait more. To give it more time. He feared someone else would take you if he waited too long.

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