33 : Selfish

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(ik its technically supposed to be smoke not cursed energy but can we APPRECIATE THIS GORGEOUS DRAWING HOOOLLYYYY)

Another day had passed, you were eating lunch with some friends when you got a text message.


You checked your phone, it was from Shoko.

"Satoru and Suguru are back, not doing so well... Come here as soon as you can."

You started choking on your food, as you excused yourself from your friends. You picked up your lunch and called one of your drivers, finishing your lunch on the way.

You arrived at Jujutsu High, rushing to the clinic. You saw Satoru and Suguru sat there, as you ran up to Satoru from behind, hugging him. Even though he's very strong, you were still worried. You were glad he came back to you in one piece.

"Satoru! Suguru! Are you both okay??" You moved to stand in front of them both, Suguru just looked down. You looked at Satoru, "Amanai... we couldn't protect her... She was killed last second..." He said, sighing as he ran his hand through his hair. You frowned, as you consoled both of them with Shoko. A few hours passed, and Suguru left to go to his home town to his parents. Meanwhile, Satoru stayed with you.

He had told you about everything, and you were simply shocked. Almost feeling like you were at blame, maybe if you went... It would have turned out better. You felt at blame especially for how Suguru was feeling.

You and Satoru sat in a bench outside, his head leaned back and staring up at the sky. It was now the evening, cloudy as well. He reached out for your hand, you held his hand, then he looked at you. "Don't feel at blame, Y/N. You're the type of person to do that." You sat there in shock for a second, as if he read your mind. You chuckled, "I mean... How could I not? I especially feel horrible for Suguru..." You said, looking down at his hand which held yours.

He sighed, "Well... Let's be honest... Nobody could have expected someone like him to come along, right?" You nodded, sighing as you bit your lip. (Him as in Toji)

You looked at him, "How are you feeling now?"

He thought for a moment, "Weird..."

"Makes sense... Well, do you wanna try and distract yourself... or..?"

He smiled, weakly, "Yeah...  I wish..." He sat there for a  moment, eyes fixed on the clouds above him. "Her death..." He said slowly, tasting the words, still not used to it. Still trying to accept it. "So unexpected... I mean... who could have expected that from us..?" He sighed, lifting up his head. You spoke, "Satoru... Don't put that kind of pressure on yourself... I mean, who could have expected this...yknow?"

He nodded, "Well, I... " He got up, turning to look back down at you. 

"I'm glad you didn't go."

You stared at him for a second, as you saw how his expression looked worried. "I mean, I know you're capable enough of... protecting yourself. But..." He looked at you for a second, "I don't want you getting hurt...mentally. You're the last person I'd want that happening to you... I don't know if that's selfish of me." He said, chuckling. You weakly smiled, "It's so selfish, 'Toru..." You said, jokingly, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Guess I'm a pretty selfish guy.." He said chuckling, pausing, then continuing to speak. "I wanted to kill all of them, but... well...  Suguru was kind enough to tell me that I shouldn't."

You rubbed his arm, and he sighed, looking at you.

"Fushiguro left me with something though... before he died. Told me how his son is about to be sold to the Zenin clan, and well... "do what you will" is what he said. So..." He looked at you, smiling softly. "I'll see what to do about that... It is in a year or two though, sooo... not in a big rush."

You smiled, nodding. "Rest up, relax... Then think more about all this... Yaga better give you a break!" He took your hand in his, smiling as he rubbed your knuckles and kissed the back of your hand. "I'm so glad you didn't go..."

"I don't care how selfish it is... I'm so so glad." He said as he kissed your cheek, chuckling.

"Sorry I'm so selfish, baby."

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