39 : Late Night Drives

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You all arrived at Shibuya, and immediately started roaming around, enjoying the nightlife. You held Satoru's hand as your eyes darted from one place to another, not sure what to do.

"How about we go get some food? Whatever you want, baby!" Satoru said, excitedly, Shoko scoffed from behind, "Um, hello? Me and Nanami are also here."

Satoru laughed, "Don't worry don't worry...  Let's go get some food guys."

You all went to a store, getting some food before sitting down on a bench as you all watched the city.

Satoru spoke up, "You know what would be fun guys?"

"What?" You all said, in unison.

"Let's get a car and go on a long drive!"

"What.." You all said, again in unison.

Nanami spoke, "None of us are 18, we can't even drive."

Shoko followed, "And where are we gonna all of a sudden get a car?"

Satoru looked at you and chuckled before saying to Shoko, "Buying the car isn't a problem... It's just the license."

Shoko tilted her head, looking at Satoru, "And how do you plan to get a license?"

Satoru smirked, "You don't worry about that... Y/N, come with me. Shoko and Nanami, go to an address that I'll send you, okay? Be there in 20 minutes!"

Nanami, about to say something, was held back by Shoko patting him on the shoulder. "Just... let them go, Nanami. If they get arrested.. so be it." They laughed, and then started walking around Shibuya, the address was close, so they decided to make use of their free time.

Satoru then called one of his drivers, who ran up to him, apparently he knew about the plan. Somehow, he would not say a word about this to Satoru's parents. Satoru handed him a debit card, and then told him to get a Porsche, one which could hold four people and which was a convertible.

(im not saying exactly which model, u guys can imagine whichever).

Soon enough, he was outside with the car, and Satoru thanked him as he dismissed him. He whispered in your ears, "Don't worry, if police catches us... I have an ID, okay? My birth day is a bit earlier on it, I am gonna be turning 18 this year after all." He winked at you, as he held your hand and you giggled. He opened the passenger seat for you, and then got in the drivers seat. "I'm pretty good at driving! I've done it a lot of times before, so this will be fun!" You nodded, "I'm excitedd.. Ooh, I think this will make the hardtop retract," you said as you pushed a button. And you were right. You laughed again, amazed as he smiled at you.

He then started driving as he went to the address, he was surprisingly good for not having his license yet (legally).

You two pulled up in front of Shoko and Nanami, both had their jaws on the floor when they saw you two in an expensive Porsche.

"Get in!!" Satoru yelled at them, and they rushed over.

"Let's go to CaesarinoBoba!"

"Oh my god I love CaesarinoBoba..."

(its my boba shop guys)

"No, let's go on a scenic route!"

"No, let's drive downtown!"

"Downtown is scenic!"

"No, right in downtown is busy and slow, let's drive so we can see the skyline!"

"I wanna drive fast guys, don't give me slow places!"

You all argued for a moment, before deciding on going to get a drink at CaesarinoBoba, then driving fast while you could see downtown, then would drive somewhere just for the fun of it."

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