Quick check in, PLEASE READ!!

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Hey everybody! This obviously is NOT a chapter but rather a message from me as the author.

So, first of all. I don't know how people feel about this but I do plan for this to be a long book (or fanfic, i feel more fancy calling it a book 🙄). This won't only exist during Gojo's time as a teen but we will eventually make our way to the "present," with characters like yuji, nobara, megumi, etc.

So, are you guys okay with me continuing all that in here!?!?!? Everything does tie in together, stuff that you're reading now WILL tie to stuff I plan to write, so it's not just random chapters. 

Or do you guys want me to make an alternate book for the "present" version? I do feel like continuing it here in just one giant book if you guys dont mind. 😓😓 I feel it's more cohesive that way.

Let me know if:
A) We are good for a long term book like we r going to Shinjuku showdown and past that if an arc after it occurs (unless i finish the book earlier).

B) We are good for it to stay in one book and dont need to break it up into multiple volumes

Alright! Now, secondly, I do want you guys to be aware that while I can keep up more regular updates (as in around every 7 days) for now, my uploading will slow down during mid-end January, and then will pick back up in Feb. Lots of work will SWARMMM me.

Anyways, if you guys wanna reach out to me ab anything either comment here or just msg me like directly and I'll get back to youu!

Thank you all so much for reading my book (OR FANFIC, I WANNA SAY BOOK.) like I did not expect SOO much attention and love for this. Like seriously thank you all 😭😭

Have a great day/night everyone! ♥

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