05 : Jealousy

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"Hm? And what did you not expect?" He spoke, his tone changing to a more severe and confused one. Y/N gave a weak chuckle, and sipped her coffee, "Later that day... I believe most guests from the other clans had left, but our close relatives and people from our clan stayed longer, and that's when something else was announced."


Y/N sat at a table with her friends and cousins, eating and talking about all sorts of things. The older cousins were asking her some questions. They had already started to learn about their ability, with some already ranked high, being grade 1 sorcerers. 

The oldest cousin, who was six years older, was Ryota Fujiwara. He was 15 and ranked a grade 1 sorcerer. Ryota had black hair which faded into a dark marine blue, his eyes were a sea green colour, and he stood at around 5'11-6'0.

He spoke, a gentle smile on his face, he was always kind to Y/N, she viewed him as an older brother. "So, Y/N, I know it's only been a day since you learned about your ability, but have you learned anything?" He spoke in a soft tone. She shook her head, "No, not really." Ryota chuckled, and began to speak again, "Our technique is really special... We can practically manipulate ice to some extent, however way we want, because we have that many techniques." He grinned, "Some are totally useless, like, look at this one." He opened up his palm in front of her, and suddenly, trails of ice left his palm and constructed a rose in around 5 seconds.

"Woah! That's pretty cool!" Y/N said, gleaming. Ryota chuckled, speaking proudly, "Yeah, ice is the better-" Another cousin interrupted, "Excuse me! Snow is literally better!!" The other cousin opened up her palm, where trails of snow were inside a small whirlwind, and it formed a small rose in the palm of her hand, just like his, just made out of snow. She smirked, "Y/N, snow is so much better, you're going to be using it a lot mo-" Ryota put his hand on her mouth, "DON'T LISTEN TO HER, ICE IS WAY BETTER, TRUST ME!" 

The two kept on bickering when suddenly the mic was tapped, and then someone spoke, "Excuse me, everyone." It was the chief of the clan. "I have an important announcement to make..." He looked slightly sad as he spoke, "The higher-ups of our clan have all come together to decide...about the heir of the clan." He sighed, and Ryota perked up, he was the son of the Chief, the eldest child in the entire clan, he was the heir. His eyebrows furrowed, wondering what was to come.

The chief cleared his throat, "Due to the clan's new future, and new power, it was decided that it made sense that the strongest member, who properly embodies our clan's strength...be the heir after me." The crowd erupted in voices, some agreeing, some confused. He spoke again, his voice making it apparent that he didn't like the decision.

"The new heir of the clan is Fujiwara Y/N, and the second in line is Fujiwara Ryota." 

Y/N sat there, staring at the chief, her eyes wide from shock.

 Was this really happening? 

This was too much. She had inherited incredibly strong powers, then to top it all off, she was the heir to the clan now. She was to lead the clan. 

She turned to look at Ryota, who was fuming. The vessels on his neck and forehead popped out as his face turned a deep red.

She couldn't help but feel bad, he had been looking forward to this for so long, and she stole that dream right before him. He turned to look at her face, which still had a shocked expression on it.



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