31 : Morals

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(ANOTHER LONG CHAPTER, i didnt wanna break this up sorry 😭)

You panted, you felt your heart beat quicker as your fight or flight response had kicked in. Time seemed to slow down as you looked at the large knife he was holding, it had an usual energy. 

(similar in size to the one toji was using against gojo & geto)

Cursed tool... what does it do?

You thought as you created distance, you didn't want to kill him, immobilizing him would probably be the goal. But then again, he tried to kill you, and for a bounty. You had to deal with assassination attempts ever since your ability was revealed, so when finding out that a person who you thought would rather protect you than hunt you down for a bounty had betrayed you... You weren't sure exactly what to do.

All that time spent together... Were you supposed to forget it and continue on as if nothing had happened? Or were you supposed to remember?

"Ice Cursed Technique: Frigid Chains" He spoke, activating his technique.

Large, ice chains started forming from his hands, each around 10 meters long. They laid on the ground, before he started spinning them in the air.

"I would be careful, if I were you. One touch from these and you'll be frozen. Won't be fun to feel either."

He smirked as the chains started to make the air colder, only in around two or three seconds, you were surrounded by a frozen wasteland. Heavy snow covered the grass, ideal fighting conditions for all cryogenic cursed techniques. An effect of using them properly is that the environment becomes colder. This helps with strengthening techniques.

You were used to cold temperatures though, your technique was literally all about cold temperatures.

He grunted, swinging the chains to now target you. You did your best, dodging it as much as you could, but you obviously couldn't keep this up for a long time. Due to the length of the chains, it was harder to escape. And right as you thought it couldn't get worse...

Following his chains, ice started to form, and he quickly manipulated this to try and trap you by creating walls of ice around you.

You had to escape, otherwise you were going to be killed. 100%.

"Cryogenic Cursed Technique: Whiteout"  

A whiteout is a type of blizzard which reduces visibility to practically zero.

Two purposes of this technique: to essentially freeze and slow down whatever or whoever is within the region of the whiteout (a 40m radius from the user), and to reduce the visibility of anyone (except the user) to zero. This renders them open to attacks. 

You could see through the technique, and saw how the chains were frozen, but because Ryota was quite strong, he was only slowed down, not completely stopped. He was probably at a fifth of his usual speed.

This technique would last as long as you could keep up, so you made sure to prevent him from using his technique further. While you didn't want to kill him, you did have to injure him to get out of this alive.

But at the same time, you wanted to kill him.

You stepped up to him, placing your hand on his chest. You could see his extremely slow reaction as his face slowly turned to look at you as he raised his hands to try and block you off. 

He was too slow though, an effect from your technique.

You released a technique which encapsulated him with a thin layer of frost, at first, it looked beautiful. Like as if someone had placed a thin, netted light blue cloth with sparkles on top of someone. But the beauty was gone as it ended up deeply slicing him all over. Half of the frost sliced, the other half further froze him, leaving him further open to attacks.

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