41: Good Night

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Satoru picked you up, wrapping your legs around his hips as he carried you to his bedroom. You blushed, "I could've walked there..." He put you down, "Well... You could've... You won't be able to walk after." He winked, smirking as he enjoyed watching the heat rise to your cheeks.

He bit his lips, standing up straight before taking off his shirt, exposing his well carved out muscles. He ran his hand through his hair, looking down at you, deciding how to ravage you right there and then. But, he'd take it slow. For you, he'd take it slow.

He went back to kissing you, distracting you from what his hands were doing. His way of making you more comfortable. He slowly started to slide his hands under your sweater again,  feeling every part of your body. He hummed into the kiss as you laid under him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 

You wanted this so bad, you knew it.

He smirked into the kiss a second before pulling away. You looked up at him, and he gave you a smug look before reaching for your sweater. He gently tugged at it, "I don't like how this is between me and you..." He winked, and you blushed as he began to pull it over your head, he was smooth with it.

(no he does NOT have previous experience and nor did he sleep w some other girl. i dont want you unloyal delusional readers to come to these conclusions or making theories 😡)

He sighed from the satisfaction as he stared at your body, he went back to kissing you, moving down to kiss your neck. Simultaneously, he tugged at your pants, pulling them down and removing them from your legs. He pulled away once more, chuckling as he saw you. You looked down at his crotch, a growing bulge forming. He went back to that sweet spot on your neck, and began to slowly kiss lower and lower. You bit your lip, sighing. Soon enough, he was right above your chest. His eyes looked at yours, and he smirked as he began to give you a hickey on your breast, unhooking your bra with one of his hands.

"Get this out of my way..." He growled, tossing it aside and he immediately began sucking and gently biting your nipple. You moaned in response, new to the sensation. He smiled, swirling his tongue around your nipple as he pinched and massaged the other one. He switched between the two, earning plenty of sounds from you. "You're so beautiful," He whispered, giving you a kiss on the cheek.

Aching for more, he travelled even lower, leaving a trail of kisses from your chest to your panties, where he gently tugged at. He pulled them down slowly, admiring the view now presented to him.

"Fuck..." He breathed out, and you blushed in response. He smirked, "Baby, open your legs wider... I wanna see you fully." You were shy, so you were slow in opening your legs for him. As soon as he saw you in full view, he gave you gentle kisses on your inner thigh, licking them as he moved to focus on your clit. He gave you a gentle kiss there, smirking as he saw you shudder in response. He began to gently lick your clit enjoying all the sounds coming from you.

"Satoru..." You whimpered, weak for him. Your hands tightly gripped his bed sheets, before moving to run your hands through his hair.

He'd make sure you would be even weaker by the end of this.

He took two of his long fingers, motioning for you to suck them. You obliged, you were as submissive as you could have been, and he just loved that. He loved the control. When he was satisfied with how much you had sucked and licked his fingers, he pulled them out, and began to massage your entrance. 

"I'm gonna put one in.. okay?" He gently asked, despite how rough he wanted to be, he made sure you were taken care of. Being rough was for later, when you were used to this.

You nodded, earning a kiss from him as he entered the fingers you had just sucked.

He pulled out of the kiss now, watching how your expression would change as he moved his fingers in and out of you, smirking as the bulge in his pants grew. He curled his fingers in order to hit your g-spot as he now brought himself lower, continuing to lick your clit.

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