15 : Just Friends?

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(IK IM SWITCHING POVS A LOT!! But im switching them as some chapters fit some povs better, like 1st person, others 2nd person, etc. So you guys will see a variation!)

You composed yourself once more, for a different reason than before. It only took a minute or two, and you were now heading back to Satoru. You prayed that the girl he was talking to was gone, the universe had listened to you and she was not in sight. 

You walked to Satoru, and while you would've acted a bit distant due to feeling anger and sadness at the fact that he made you feel like he was single and ready to have something more with you...  You acted as if all was normal. You could also blame yourself for looking into it too much, right?

Satoru saw you, furrowing his eyebrows and shaking his head, he was going to tease you again. "Y/N, this time did you actually have diarrhea?" He said, joking as a smile formed on his face. He handed your drink back to you, "Here, let's go inside now. We didn't miss anything, ads are about to end soon though!" You nodded, managing to give him a small smile back as you both walked inside the theatre.

He booked you two the best seats in the theatre (wherever you prefer), and were now sat beside each other. You put your drink in the cup holder, watching the ads to distract your mind which was avid on focusing on the fact that Satoru possibly had a girlfriend. A part of you wanted to ask him, but it would hurt too much if he told you he did have one.

If only you stayed a bit longer to hear them talk. 

Maybe some of your questions would've been answered.

You and Satoru talked, your mind slowly slipping away from those painful thoughts of him being with someone. Sadly, each time you'd start to admire him, it would be like a loud pang as the thoughts rushed back into your mind, and you would have to repeat the painstaking process of forgetting about it.

'He's with someone else.'

'He loves her, probably has no interest in me.'

'I'm just delusional about our relationship.'

'I've looked into it too deep.'

'He loves her.'

Eventually, you became rather good at forgetting about it, until he would flirt a little with you.

It may not be flirting in his eyes, but it was in yours. That's what you thought as you blamed yourself for falling in love with him so easily, and as the thoughts would rush back in your mind.

The movie finally started, and Satoru had no plans on stopping his conversation with you.

"So then I saw this huge curse-" You put your finger to his lips, his eyes widening and cheeks slightly tinting a pink as you spoke, "The movie's starting now...let's talk about that later. Otherwise, you might get us kicked out." You said as you took your finger off his lips. A while ago, you put on a hand cream, which really helped make him fall even more for you. 

If only you knew that.

He loved the smell, loved the fact that you put your finger on his lips instead of just telling him to be quiet, he'd prefer the next time you try to quiet him down, instead of it being your finger on his lips, it was your lips.

He chuckled, nodding as he turned to face forward, and you did too, the movie's first scenes now playing. 

As you grew more creeped out further into the movie, your body tensed up which Satoru picked up. He wished he could hold your hand to help you feel more reassured, but wasn't sure if you wanted that.

But... I mean, now than never, right?

So he moved his hand to hold your smaller one as he continued to look ahead at the movie, whilst you stared at the sudden gesture. You felt a heat rising up to your cheeks, no, whole face. Due to the dark lighting, he couldn't see that reaction, and nor could you see his cheeks which were flushed pink.

You were confused, torn apart. You thought he had a girlfriend, but... maybe... he could explain himself. Right...?

If only you could turn back time and stayed there to hear their full conversation.

A sudden guilt pooled in your heart as the possibility of him possibly cheating on that girl with you became a thought in your head. But you quickly shut that down, trusting him to be decent enough to break up with her before dating someone else.

Asking him seemed awkward, but...a feeling took over you, a voice for reason, that maybe there's more to it than you know. Why else would he hold your hand?

You smiled as you chuckled and continued looking ahead, feeling more at ease as he interlaced his fingers with yours, maybe he was doing this because he was scared, yeah? Or maybe you can think of it like a normal person and accept that maybe he does like you back!

However, thinking that was not in the question as your mind developed new ideas as to why he held your hand, his hand was cold, he was scared, he's just being considerate, etc.

Deep down, however, your heart knew the most obvious reason, and the reason you could only hope and pray for. That he liked you back.

You two stayed like that for another few minutes until he had to use the restroom, and then it went back to normal. Eventually the movie ended, and Satoru knew that his guess wasn't too far off. You were, in fact, pretty scared during the movie! Got jump scared really badly a couple times too.

You two were now walking out of the theatre, and were talking about the movie. Those thoughts of him POSSIBLY being with someone mostly diminished now. It was still in the back of your mind though. However, it didn't bother you as much as it once did.

Satoru looked down at you with his beautiful eyes as you two walked, smiling at the sight, before you turned to look back up at him. "What is it?" You said, and he was quick witted and covered up his staring. "I saw something in your hair, look down, I'll take it out." You were embarrassed as you looked down, and he pretended to take something out before rubbing his fingers and saying, "There, gone!" He chuckled to himself, noting how you did look embarrassed, however... He'd be even more embarrassed if you thought he was just staring at you. 

Well, he was. But in an admiring way. Is that bad?

You two continued and finally were outside of the movie theatre, it was in a plaza where other stores surrounded the cinema, a couple of stores caught your eye as you looked around, which Satoru noticed. He chuckled as he slightly bent over to speak, "So, you're planning to make my card go bankrupt or something...?" You looked at him, his face much closer to yours in terms of height than it usually would be, and your cheeks turned a faint pink.

"No... Not today..." You smiled at him to which he raised his eyebrow, "Really, why? Did you realize it can't happen?" He said, chuckling as he now stood upright. You turned your body to face him as you crossed your arms, "I need to make a list of things I need... then trust me, your card will be dealt with!" You said enthusiastically as you let out a giggle, eyeing the stores for inspiration. Jewelry and clothes are definitely on the list.

He chuckled and nodded, he took his phone out of his pocket, "Well, let me know when that list is done. I guess I'll call the-"

All of a sudden someone flung at him, what was an attempt at hugging him from behind, but they were stopped by his infinity. "AUGH!" They let out a sound as they fell to the ground, Satoru just standing there, completely unharmed. You looked down to see this person as Satoru turned to look at them too.

That hair... and those clothes.

It was the girl from before. 


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