107: No Stress

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You sat there, the world around you seeming to blur.

"With concerns to the duties of..."

The voice of the Higher Up blurring out.

You slowly turned, looking at Satoru. His eyes were already on you. He looked down, sighing, unsure of what to do.

You bit your lip, you wanted to get up and yell at the Higher-Ups, you wanted to yell at Naoya, you wanted to run out of the room. But you couldn't. As if glue had kept you there, you sat, just staring at Satoru, and him looking back at you now.

You would usually find solace in his eyes, looking at him would give you a peace of mind. But seeing his facial expression, one filled with anger, sadness, and a tinge of hopelessness... That made you even more anxious. He was always the more confident one out of you two, but seeing him react this way...

Nothing would be alright.


At least, that's what it felt like.


The meeting ended, you and Satoru quietly left before your families could comfort you two. You didn't want to look weak in front of the Higher-ups, in front of Naoya; they would try and take advantage of that. You and Satoru sat in the car, he started it up, and the quiet drive to your apartment began.

"I-" You paused, your voice caught in your throat. "I don't know what to do..." 

You heard him sigh. You continued to look out the window, it was windy outside. If only the wind could pick up all your troubles and take them away, fly away without a second thought. Teardrops started to roll down your cheeks as you began to quietly sob.

You felt Satoru's hand travel to your thigh, giving you a gentle squeeze, then finding your hand and rubbing your knuckles as he looked ahead.

"Everything will be fine..."

But there was doubt in that statement, worry. You knew neither of you believed it. Either you two would sacrifice yourselves for your families, or your families would be sacrificed for you two to continue being married. Most of your family members didn't go to university, so them getting a job that isn't related to Jujutsu was out of question. You were lucky, your close family, you, and even Satoru went to university, it would be easier for you all to get jobs. But the rest... that was the problem.

(the uni thing isn't really confirmed or not in terms of gojo in the actual story, but here it is YAYY)

You and Satoru were the clan heirs, he was already the head of his, and you were to inherit duties soon. You couldn't abandon your clans. You couldn't abandon each other.

But, you had to abandon one or the other.

You bit your lip, shakily sighing, trying to calm yourself down.

"Baby, we can do something, don't worry... Okay?"

You nodded, sniffling.

"Worst comes to worst, we secretly marry, never tell a soul, right?" You heard him chuckle, but you knew that would be hard. He knew too. The higherups had eyes everywhere, even in the government. They could tell if you two were legally married. They could tell if you two lived together. They would know everything.

And if they found out, your clans would definitely be losing their jobs.

You arrived home, you two went to the apartment in a shared silence. You stepped inside your apartment, Satoru following behind you. As soon as he shut the door and turned back around, you hugged him. You began to sob in his chest, what you had been keeping bottled up the entire time you two were outside was now spilling out.

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