26 : Pizza

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Your POV

Your eyes widened as a heat spread throughout your face, before he held up his phone, "I can order some pizza! Or burgers or ramen or whatever you like, and we can..." He kept on talking, but your heart was still beating fast. You thought this was gonna be something else.

Phew, I, the author, don't think you're ready for that yet! Or are you? I don't know..

You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, before you nodded, "Yeah... pizza sounds good." He smiled at you, and then looked down at your dress. "Don't you wanna change? I mean..." He unbuttoned his suit, and put it aside as he put one leg over the other and his arm on top of the couch. "Even I was starting to feel stuffy in that suit. You can change in my room, or the bathroom... or here and I can go somewhere else." He looked at you with an intense gaze, "Wherever you want." 


"I'll just go in your room and change there..." You smiled at him and walked to his room with your bag filled with clothes and other things like your toothbrush, hairbrush, etc. It was surprisingly neat. 

You unzipped your dress from the back and took it off, before changing into your black silk pajamas (or whichever color u like).

You didn't want to fold the dress, so you brought a hanger with you to hang it, you'd carry it home when you would leave.

For now, you hung it in his closet. You left his room, looking at the couch. He was there, on his phone, texting somebody. He chuckled as he continued typing, somehow not noticing you were behind him.

So much for those six eyes! (He's tired give him a break)

You jumpscared him, putting your hands on his shoulders with some force. "BOO!"

He jumped, quickly looking back, smiling, laughing. "You got me there... you better watch out, I'll scare you ten times harder now!" He smiled widely as he got up. 

You giggled, "Sure you will~," you said as he eyed you up and down. "Silk looks really good on you." He said, before smirking, "You know what else looks good on you-" You cleared your throat, "SO, I left my dress in your closet because I don't wanna fold and ruin it by accident... So, I'll take it with me tomorrow!" You said, and he nodded, smiling and chuckling. "Yeah that's all good, I'll go change really quick." 

You nodded, "Okayy, I'll be waiting here." You sat on the couch as he went in, taking out your phone, seeing you got a message from Shoko. 


u home yet?


y/n u home yet?

damn respond already

im gonna come to ur house if u dont respond soon



im at satoru's house

spending the night here 







You giggled to yourself as you saw how surprised she was, you sighed turning off your phone, smiling to yourself as you leaned your head back. You could hear him talking inside his room, ordering some pizza. He popped his head out his room, "Y/NN, what toppings do you like?"

You said what you liked and he smiled widely, "Did you hear the toppings she said? If not then..." He continued talking to the person on the phone. You smiled, his voice was so calming to you, you loved hearing him talk.

Better than music, unless he was the one singing. He came out his room, wearing a black shirt and shorts under. "So, what do you wanna do?" He asked, sitting beside you, putting his arm behind you as he pulled you close. You were surprised, in a good way as you felt your whole body heat up again, hearing your own heartbeat. 

"Uhhh, hmm, I'm not sure..." You said, looking into his eyes, you could get lost in them really. "I guess that's my fault, isn't it? I should've told you earlier that I wanted you to spend the night here." He chuckled as he looked deep into your eyes, then down at your lips then up at your eyes again. 

"Wanna go out for a walk? The food wont be here for another half an hour." He smiled at you, and you pondered for a bit, "I mean.. it's a bit cold and I don't have my jacket-"

"You can have mine!" He said as he got up and ran into his room, pulling his smallest jacket out his closet. You'd still look small in it.

"Here.." He said, and you laughed, "I guess you really wanna go out.." You said as you put on the jacket and as he zipped up the jacket before you could. "Of course I really wanna go on a walk with you..." He said as he put on his own jacket, you giggled as you both made your way outside. 

It was pouring.

"I'm sure my infinity, or blue can keep us dry-"

"It's okay! I kinda wanna walk in the rain." You said, enthusiastic, and he was taken aback.


"Yup!" You said as you stepped in the rain, "Ah.." you said, taken aback by how much rain was going in your eyes as you tried to open them in the rain, eventually being able to open them after adjusting the hoodie of the jacket to cover your head and eyes.

"Okay!" You said, wiping away any water left on your eyelashes or near your eyes. "Let's go." He smiled, "Okay ma'am!" He took your hand in his, putting both your hand and his in his own pocket. 

"Where to?" You asked.

"I don't know..." He said, before he smiled as he rubbed your knuckles as you two continued walking. "So we're walking around aimlessly?"

"Yup! I don't mind that since it's with you, baby."

You blushed as you smiled and look down at the rain falling against the sidewalk where you two walked.

"Me neither." 

You two continued walking, giggling and talking with each other in happiness. You were unaware that someone was watching you silently, did you guess right? It's Naoya Zenin, that obsessed guy who's crazy for you.

But Satoru knew well, his Six Eyes let him know. And he didn't mind. 

He smirked, he was glad he was rubbing it in the face of that Zenin.

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