04 : The Last Seven Years (II)

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"Damn...must have been a lot to take in," Satoru said. She nodded, chuckling, "I always felt bad about not knowing what to say to you while I walked away. It was just so sudden..." He smiled at her, "Don't worry, I get it... I didn't know either." He laughed softly, then spoke. "So, what happened next?"


The next day, a lavish gathering was held at one of the most expensive hotels in Tokyo, nobody was given news of the purpose of the gathering, so, many of the Fujiwara members and relatives came unknowingly. Even members of the Zen'in clan, Kamo clan, and Gojo clan were there. While she didn't know, Satoru was in the crowd, but in the far back. There was also Naoya Zen'in, who was the same age as her, further ahead. Satoru purposely hid back, so that neither he nor her would get in trouble. He didn't really care...but due to him not knowing just how well she'd now be respected, therefore the clan would be letting her get away with more things, he was cautious to not get her in lots of trouble."

The dress theme was Japanese, so she wore a lavish, well-embroidered kimono that was bought for her the day she was told about her abilities, and also expensive jewelry. The children of the Fujiwara clan were quite mature, compared to your ordinary children. So, Y/N would act more similar to someone who was 14 than her age, a 9-year-old at this time.

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The higher-ups sat at a table near the stage, and the woman who had talked to her yesterday as well as another man walked up the stage, and he tapped on the mic. "Hello everybody, as the head of the Fujiwara clan, I welcome you all who are from our clan, those who are our relatives, and those from the Zen'in, Gojo, and Kamo clans as well, to this event."

He smiled, looking around the room, then the woman spoke. "We have important news to announce, one that is a great deal not only to our clan but to the Jujutsu world." She smiled, everyone's attention had been grabbed. "Now, most of the adults here must know of Fujiwara Zocho, if not, then I will explain who he is." A few murmurs went around, parents reminding their children of the story, and then some silence after a few sounds of awe. The woman started explaining who he was, then continued after she was done.

"It has been 350 years since he was alive, and his talents were yet to be passed down to someone..." She smiled widely, "However, I would like to announce that... someone has been gifted with the abilities he once had!" The crowd erupted in shock, gasps and people looking around. "Everyone, welcome her...The Goddess of Jujutsu! The prodigy of the Fujiwara clan!" She turned, signalling for Y/N to walk up the stage.

Y/N walked, her heart beating out of her chest as there were more than a hundred people at this event, and stood beside the woman, looking around the crowd. They were all shocked, jaws dropped. She looked over at her parents, who were smiling widely at her and clapping. The crowd erupted in cheers and clapping, some people called out her name, congratulating her mostly cousins and friends, "WOO! Y/N!"

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The woman, whose name was Fujiwara Kei, spoke up, "As you all know..." A maid handed the jade plate to Kei, filled with beautifully carved gemstones, then rushed off the stage. "We use these to see what each of our clan's children have gotten as their ability. Usually...the stones are dim, until someone gets the ability, and we make sure to check it as there are instances where the snow and ice ones randomly glow. However..."

 She then picked up the dark blue, or black, gemstone, showing it to all of them. "This one has remained dim for 350 years...and a reminder to all, these glow just a few days after the person's birthday...It was Y/N's birthday a couple of days ago..so we had concluded that it must be her with the ability!" She smiled widely, "You all know how the gemstones glow when the person who has inherited the technique touches them...so...I would like you all to witness her holding the gemstone...as...the last time people had seen this was centuries ago." She looked at Y/N, smiling, and Y/N opened up her hands, cupping them together.

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Slowly, Kei put the gemstone in her hand, then stepped back. Unsure of how it would play out.

Slowly, it started to glow more and more, turning from a dark blue to a red, and then light beams came out of the stone, a light blue, with some that were dark purple. And then suddenly, loud shockwaves were sent out, and deep rumbling could be heard. On Y/N's body, light blue to dark blue markings faded in, with sparkly white shiny dots in the markings, like snowflakes.

((I LIKE TO USE THIS AS A REFERENCE, The ends of the markings are light blue, and as it moves away from the tips, they turn a darker blue

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((I LIKE TO USE THIS AS A REFERENCE, The ends of the markings are light blue, and as it moves away from the tips, they turn a darker blue. However, the edges are sharper to depict ice. It has white shiny crystal-like tiny snowflakes throughout. However, you can imagine the shape of the markings however you like.)

Her eyes turned a shiny, light, icy blue for a minute as well, light lines appeared, which represented a trail of snow, they followed the outline of her eyes, and her cursed energy suddenly increased by a lot, an intense, strong aura in the venue now.

Everyone was in awe as they looked at her, even Satoru, who perked up and moved closer to her, to be able to look at her closely. Some people went to pick up any hats or anything that had been sent flying back from the shockwaves. Y/N turned to look at the people in the room, as her eyes went back to normal and her markings slowly disappeared, however, her cursed energy remained the same.

This was the moment. The making of the second strongest sorcerer.


Satoru shifted in his seat, as he began to speak, "Yeah...I remember that...I was there." Y/N's eyes widened, her eyebrow arched as she looked at him, mouth agape, "You were there?? Why didn't you come to me?" She spoke, her tone increasing out of shock. Satoru spoke, a laugh escaping his lips, "I... I didn't go at the time because I was afraid I'd get you and myself in trouble..but...I wish I came to you." He smirked at her, "I mean, I could've taught you a thing or two about being super strong, I'm well experienced."

Y/N scoffed, a wide smile appearing on her face. "Yeah yeah, of course..." She threw her head back as she let out a sigh, "Well, anyway... I expected all of that to happen...well not the markings and shockwave part but, I expected the reactions and everything." She turned back to look at him as he ate his mochi, interested in what she was about to say.

"I didn't expect the next thing...."

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