03 : The Last Seven Years (I)

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I imagine this playing for the beginning before it goes into Y/N's past. IT ADDS SO MUCH MORE MEANING N STUFF.

NOTE: I have changed the last name to Fujiwara.

Fujiwara Y/N had never been fond of her past, at least she wasn't fond of it after she and Satoru Gojo had separated. Her warm attitude had remained, yet she had become more like the cold boy Satoru once was. She was cold on the inside, kept things to herself, and everything opposite of what she once was.


She now walked towards Satoru, she swore there could have been some tears in her eyes. She rubbed her eyes with her fingers quickly before she reached him. How it felt...to have her world's warmth return to her... Her icy demeanour melted at the sight of him, even before she saw him, just from the thought that he was in the same school, she became much more warm. She was becoming who she indeed was.

Why did he have this insane grip over her..? For him to not be, or to be there, was such a deciding factor in how she was. Nobody else had it...why him?

Y/N smiled, as she now stood in front of Satoru, "Hey, Satoru.." She spoke softly as if she was talking to that icy cold boy from back then, but his ice had long melted, she could see it. He was warmer, more friendly, and happier.

Satoru chuckled, he slightly bent over to look better at her, "Hey, Y/N." He then grinned, "I'm your senior, it's Gojo-senpai to you!" He said with a lot of passion, smiling widely. Y/N laughed, "Yeah, okay, Gojo-senpai." Upon hearing this, he laughed, smiling widely, Y/N couldn't help but feel as if a part of her had returned. Oh, just how she had missed him... She didn't realize it. She knew she missed him, but..she didn't realize just how much.

That rare smile was now so prominent, so common, she couldn't help but smile widely, chuckling as she looked down. Trying to hide the tears slowly accumulating in her eyes, she blinked a lot, trying to get rid of the tears.

Satoru looked at her, "Hey, why are you looking down? You're missing out on this face, you've been missing out for a long time." He smirked, then Y/N looked up, successfully having gotten rid of her tears. "You're right, you've been missing out on mine too, can't be looking away now!" She smiled widely, chuckling. His eyes widened a little, as his smile fell, "Hey, why's your nose a little red?" He looked at her, confused. "Oh! Right, my nose! Just...feeling a little sick."

"It wasn't here when you got-"

"ANYWAYS, where are we going?" She asked, smiling, trying to get the conversation off of her slightly red nose. "Are we gonna sit here and talk?" Satoru chuckled, "Yeah, right...This place is swarming with the higher-ups, we shouldn't be talking here..." He smiled at her, "Let's go to this cafe nearby, they have really good kikufukus and other good mochis!" He said, smiling widely. Y/N laughed, "Wow...you're still a sweet tooth, huh?" She giggled, "Alright, let's go then."

The two finally arrived at the cafe, Y/N grabbed a seat while Satoru went to get them both a coffee and a lot of mochi. He sat down, "Here's your coffee...and, here's some cookies I got for you too!" He smiled, and Y/N thanked him, he then ate a mochi and took a sip of his coffee. "So...how was everything, for the past 7 years?" He spoke, his voice was laced with concern and a hint of anger that was not directed at her, but at those who took her away from him.

Y/N sighed, her smile fading as she looked down on the table, her eyebrows furrowed, as she began to speak. "I would say just fine...but there's no point in lying to you." She looked up at him, "Tough, you could say... Sad.." She chuckled, "I'm sure you know why they took me away though, right?" She spoke as she looked into his concerned eyes, he replied, "Yeah, I do."

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