10 : Mission

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The next day, Y/N was assigned a solo mission. They (the people who assigned the mission, higher-ups & stuff) knew she already had some experience fighting curses, so she was sent to fight a grade-two curse. While she was a special-grade sorcerer, she was going alone for the first time, so it was important for them to ease her into the process of fighting solo.

Ijichi came along with her, but just to also get used to the job of informing sorcerers where they were going, who they were fighting, etc. He wouldn't be there fighting curses.

Right now, they were in the car on the drive to the place where she'd be fighting the curse, the current assistant director was driving, basically training Ijichi to be like him, supervising him as well.

Ijichi spoke, "I was away for the last few days because I was sick... I'm also a first-year!" Y/N smiled, "Ohh, I see! Nice to meet you... Ijichi, right? Nanami was telling me about you." He smiled back, nodding. "And I would be dumb not to know you, Fujiwara-san." She shook her head, shaking her hands, "No no, you can just call me Y/N. No need to be formal!" She chuckled, and Ijichi nodded. "Oh, okay! Usually, people from clans want others to be formal with them, so..." He nervously chuckled, obviously intimidated by Y/N despite her kind nature.

He had heard of how strong she was, how she was the heir to her clan... She was basically like a second Gojo Satoru.

He spoke, fixing his glasses and looking down at his notebook. "So...Today we're heading to a prison, we've evacuated the prison and displaced them in another area for the night, they'll be returning in the morning." He flipped a page, then read off his notes. "There were many missing cases of people when they went to areas that could've led nowhere else... Essentially, they went to dead ends and disappeared. No vents, no sewers, nothing to escape from and they just disappeared."

She nodded, "Hmm..." He then continued, "Around 15 people went missing, and there were 5 people severely injured, 8 people injured, and 2 bodies found as well. We suspect it to be a Grade 2 to Semi-Grade 1 curse." He then turned to look at her, "We don't know of what powers it has... But based on the bodies and injuries found, it works with poison..." 

Y/N nodded again, breathing out. "Alright..." The current assistant director spoke, "I'm sure you already know about how we cast veils and stuff, right?" Y/N nodded, "Yup! I know." He smiled, nodding back, "Alright...we're almost there."


They arrived and the assistant director wished them well, casting a barrier. A nervous Ijichi followed her. 

Y/N smiled, waving back to the assistant director, and told Ijichi to calm down. She then walked inside the prison, a larger smile overcoming her face. To her, fighting curses was extremely fun, like a game. She stretched and then walked further in, trying to spot the curse.

The halls were silent and dark, it was evening and the place wasn't lit well. She glanced at Ijichi, who was still nervous. "You don't fight curses or anything?" He shook his head, "I'm here to help you spot residuals of cursed energy or anything... I don't know why they sent me though, and not someone more experienced." She chuckled, shaking her head, "Don't worry, at most it's a Semi-Grade 1, right? I can handle that easily. You also need to learn more about your job so... You just...um...be focused on that, don't worry about getting hurt. I'll have your back."

He nodded, as they inspected the place. He spotted some residuals and went closer to them. "Here..." He spoke quietly, looking at Y/N. The residuals were in front of the entrance to the outdoor gym and field that the prisoners would go to. "There's probably more in here.." He said as he pushed open the door, and Y/N walked through. 

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