32 : Grudges & Guilt

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You looked at the rest of your clan, gathering and whispering to each other in shock.

"No... I didn't... I'm not a murderer...." You spoke, panicking now on the inside. What if they all think you're a murderer, what if your family hates you now, what if you're kicked out, killed?

Your aunt yelled at you, "You expect me to believe that!?" She said in a rage, tears still streaming down her face. "Look at ALL the wounds on him, look at all his bleeding, and then look at YOURS! You have minimal while he has so much, and practically no wounds on your body! It's clear he was defending himself!!" She said, holding Ryota's shirt tightly. Your uncle rushed to her side, his father, the clan's current leader.

"Oh my god... Just what did you do..." He said, eyes wide as he rubbed your aunt's shoulder.

While you felt so much rage and sadness, you couldn't blame them. Why would they believe the person dragging their sons dead body over having faith in him?

You sighed, rubbing your temples, "I... I was wounded more, I just used restoration... He had stabbed through my neck and heart, twice." Your aunt's eyes widened, "Restoration...? The hardest healing..? Healing which can also heal OTHERS? YEAH, RIGHT!" She clenched her jaw, "Prove it."

She stood there, glaring at you, and so was everyone else. Except of your family, where were they?

She then stepped back into the house, motioning for you to follow. The rest of your family immediately cleared the path, as if you were walking to your death and they didn't want to make it harder. The mood had become more somber as they saw you walking in, you were so confused.

Your aunt continued walking, and with each second, your worry grew.

Especially when you entered your family's wing of the mansion.

Your heart started pounding, and your heart sank as you entered your parents bedroom.  You saw your mother unconscious on the ground, with your father and siblings surrounding her, doctors hired by your clan also rushing around in the room.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" You said, running over, your dad explained how she was given some sort of poison which has apparently done something to shut her body down. Living, but not. He told you that the doctors are still examining her, he didn't even notice what happened to you as he just continued staring at your mother, his eyes not moving anywhere else.

Your aunt stepped beside you, "Heal her then. Fix your mother, cure her. You did that against my son, didn't you? Go on now, go on."

Your father and siblings now saw you, and were immediately concerned. Some other family members gave them a quick debrief as you stepped up to your mother's body. The doctors stepped aside, watching you. The entire clan just stared at you, your aunt urging you again.

"Heal her, why don't you?"

You swallowed a lump forming in your throat as you hovered your hands above her face, shaking from the stress and worry.

You spoke, quietly, "Cryogenic Cursed Technique: Restoration..." You waited for a blue aura to leave your hands and go to your mother, but that wasn't happening. You bit your lip, saying its name again as you  tried to use it on your mother again.


Your aunt furrowed her eyebrows, "Why what? Why wont it work? Because you never did it before, you were lying." She huffed, stepping out, rubbing her temples as tears rolled down her cheeks, the clan leader followed her out, teary eyed as well.

"I... I'm sorry." You said, looking down at the ground.


You looked up at your mother with a frown on your face, still feeling guilty of not being able to use restoration on command. You've used it again after that as well, but only at very random times, usually at the brink of death. However, there have been times where you've needed restoration more than anything, but the technique wouldn't work.

You raised your hands again, above her head, muttering those words to use the technique.

You waited.


You sighed, biting your lip, looking back down as you felt some tears forming. A few fell on the floor, but you contained your frustration, so no more tears fell. You wiped away the tears on the ground with your foot looking back up at your mother as you gave her a kiss on her cheek and forehead before you left.

You walked through the halls, your relationship with everyone had become good again, but you secretly felt both a grudge and a guilt towards your aunt and uncle. And you knew they still despised you. You took away their son, they had never believed your side... again, why would they?

You sighed as you were now outside, looking up at the blue sky and clouds.

"You probably would've gotten the hang of restoration if you had my technique, Satoru..."

You looked down at the ground, kicking the ground in anger.

"I'm fucking horrible."

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