112: Nothing Inconvenient

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(SMALL ass chapter, only 590 words after this. dw i'll go back to longer ones after this)

You wore a dress, put on some makeup, did your hair (not specifying which dress, you guys can decide how it looks). The higher-ups had scrambled to put together an event to celebrate you and Satoru. You were gonna be enjoying this.

You grinned as you looked in the mirror, adding some last details. 

Satoru was ready, as always, ready before you. 

You looked at him, slowly spinning as you showed him how you looked. "Good?" He smiled, "Great! Sooo, we're going now?" He asked, eager to leave. "No, I have to put on my makeup."


"I'm joking!" You said, chuckling as you grabbed your purse. "Let's go." He sighed in relief, nodding as he made his way out with you, and into the car.

The higher-ups wanted to please you both, so they picked the best venue they could, hired the best chefs they could, they needed to make sure there was not ONE wrong thing. Otherwise, they'd be losing major assets.

Shortly after, you two arrived. They picked a venue close to you both as well! There had to be nothing wrong. At all.

You two went inside, your arm locked with his. You especially wore that shiny, beautiful diamond ring which Satoru got for you. Showing it off as your hand held his arm while you two walked around. He was yours, you were his, nothing could change that.

Satoru felt like the life in him returned, as if life was starting to regain the color it lost so horribly. He would sneak peeks at you, would take in the perfume you sprayed, loving every single thing about you. Oh, he felt so lucky, he was so lucky, how could he be that lucky? 

You? Well, you know how you feel. I don't think you need to have that explained to you.

The higher-ups then shortly came up, their voice slightly shaky from how nervous they were. But, "It's okay, I get why they're nervous... Who wouldn't be?" Satoru whispered in your ear, chuckling as they made their speech. 

They felt humiliated up there. God, if they could go back in time and tell themselves to never even consider what Naoya said, they would. They'd scream at themselves if they could.

You whispered back, "I heard the heads of each of the Big 4 families will also make a speech, I can't wait to see the Zenin's." He snickered, shaking his head as you two now sat straight. You both were now looking the higher-ups in the eyes, letting those idiots know that you two were enjoying this, and that they could do nothing about it.

Your mom sat at your family table, many people coming to visit her. All the family heads, the higher-ups, everyone. She had to catch up on the past 8 years, and you felt so horrible. There wasn't much you could do to help but just be there and support her. But you knew you'd try your best. 

Your dad was beyond ecstatic, he finally felt alive again. Of course, he eventually felt a bit better, learned to live life a little. But there was a constant reminder in their home of what he lost. But now, it was all perfect.

Life is perfect now, for all of you. (don't do the foreshadowing stuff, i mean it!!)

In the coming days, you two would move back in together, catch up, and then... would begin to plan something extremely stressful.

Your wedding!

(marriage arc!????!!)


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