29 : Pandas

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You were in your dorm, laying in bed, it was late at night.

Two (or three) days had passed since Satoru and Suguru left, they were now in Okinawa, you got a message from Satoru. "Hm?" You sat up, it was late at night, why's he awake? 

The message read, "hey cutie, you awake?"

You chuckled and smiled as you leaned against the headboard, messaging him back.

"i am! why are you up so late toru?"

You sat there for a minute, staring at your phone, until you got another message by him.

"i have to stay up, gotta watch out for amanai" (amanai = riko, remember)

You frowned, feeling bad for him. You sent him a message, "kind of wish i was a bit more confident and took up that mission, could've kept you company." 

Satoru, on the other end, chuckled. Tired of staying up, he lifted his head up, looking outside again, making sure nobody dangerous was nowhere close. He then continued typing:

"yeah, I wish too!!"
"you left me, Y/NNN 😔😔"
"suguru does keeps me company"
"he is my best friend after all, so dont worry, everything's going good!"
"just a bit tiring"

You smiled, looking up at the clock.

2:14 AM

"wanna call? if you can, i don't wanna distract you too much"

Satoru smiled seeing this message, getting up from his seat, he called you as he started pacing back and forth. You picked up, whispering.

"Hey Satoru..."

He whispered back, "Hey gorgeous.."

You chuckled, as you both talked in low whispers, you not wanting to cause a disturbance in the dorm area (even though there was like nobody else there), and him not wanting to wake up Suguru, Amanai or Kuroi.

You both talked until it was 2:56 AM, you were getting really tired.

"Toru, I'm getting tired... I think I'm gonna sleep." He chuckled, "Yeah? Alright."

"I don't know how you're staying up till now..." You said, smiling, and he could practically hear your smile.

He spoke, "Well, I'm really interesting and powerful and stuff... y'know..." You chuckled, "Of course you are, Satoru."

You sighed, smiling, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, good night, baby."  He said, and you smiled.

"Night night..." You hung up, sighing as you crawled back into bed, your heart pounding from worry. You tried your best to hide it, but maybe you should have gone, maybe you should've taken up the offer. After all, Suguru is strong but.. you are stronger...

Maybe I really should've gone..


These thoughts filled your head until you fell asleep while hugging a cute panda plushie which you had.

While asleep, you had a dream, or rather... A flashback.

A week ago, Satoru and you had gone to a fair. Satoru held your hand tightly, the breeze running through your hair, his as well. You two were buying things, getting ice cream, then he saw a stall.

A stall which all boyfriends go to in order to impress their girlfriends.

The stall in which you have to throw a ball hard enough at a target to get some sort of prize (usually a plushie)!

He smirked, looking at you, "Want a plushie?" You perked your head up, "YEAH!!" He laughed as he brought you to the stall, and you ended up liking the panda the most. He now had a goal. As the employee handed him the ball, he focused and put all his power to use. He threw the ball at the target, almost breaking the poor thing. He then hit the second, and then finally, the third.

"YAYY" You said from behind, clapping. "YOU'RE GREAT AT THIS!" He smirked again, chuckling, he was so proud. He told the employee to get the panda plushie, and handed it to you. "Here is your panda, ma'am!" Satoru said as he handed you the plushie. You were ecstatic, "Thanks babyy!" You said, getting up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss. 

That was unexpected. You wouldn't call him "baby" that often, you were the shy one in their relationship, and plus... you paired that with a kiss!?

He was on cloud nine, and for the rest of the fair, he replayed that memory again and again in his head, his cheeks pink from blushing.

It was one of the most fun days you'd had with Satoru, I mean, don't get me wrong... Each day is great! But, this day was just... really comforting, like everything was perfect.

Later on, you two headed back to your dorm. He dropped you off there, gave you a kiss on the cheek and on top of your forehead.

"Goodnight baby." He said, smiling at you.

"Night night, 'Toru." You kissed him back, and his expression softened even more, as he waved goodbye to you, and started walking back to his dorm.

You woke up, it was now the morning.

If only you could relive that day...

You were really starting to miss Satoru.

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